Literacy Coaching

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Literacy Coaching by Mind Map: Literacy Coaching

1. Connection between L1 and L2

2. Role- Provide high quality training, support for teachers

3. Assessment-

3.1. Diagnostic

3.2. Formative

3.3. Summative

4. Alaphabetics

4.1. Readiness and PHonemic Awareness

4.2. Alphabetic Principle

4.2.1. Letters and letter patterns represent the sounds of spoken language.

4.2.2. teach letter sound relationships explicitly and

4.3. Phonology

4.3.1. Ones ability to learn sound

5. Fluency

5.1. L1- 5,000 words when entering kindergarten

5.2. Vocab Development-

5.2.1. pre-teach, Cognates, Scaffold, Educational TV, Audio books, encourage conversation.

5.3. Fluency is expected to grow naturally as reading skills develop.

6. Culture

6.1. build relationships

6.2. Listen empathetically

6.3. Use multiple resources from their culture

7. Comprehension/Vocabulary

7.1. Comprehension Strategies for L2,

7.1.1. BAckground Knowledge

7.1.2. Explicit Vocab

7.1.3. Check Comprehension frequently