Revolutions in Thought
by Alyssa Ann James
1. Students will understand the importance of the new scientific theories and the importance of the new inventions introduced during the Scientific Revolution that sparked new ways of thinking in the world.
1.1. Students will examine the roots of the Scientific Revolution in order to evaluate how Ancient Science and Medieval Science influenced the renew interest in science.
1.1.1. Teacher will deliver a lecture on the Origins of the Scientific Revolution.
1.1.2. Students will engage with the lecture by answering the Strategic Questions to spark prior knowledge.
1.1.3. Students will continue to participate with the lecture by filling in the guided notes and answering the focus questions of the section.
1.1.4. Assessment- Students at end of the lesson closure will complete assessment activity 3-2-1 exit slip in order for the teacher to gage learning content.
2. Students will learn about the major contributions from scientists and philosophers to the rise of modern science. Students will be able to synthesis the scientific method advanced by philosophers and the influence of the new scientific rationalism on the growth of democratic ideas.
2.1. Students will engage at the beginning of the class by working on their KWL Chart. Students will uncover and discuss what they know about the reading section prior to reading.
2.2. Students will reading the Lesson Two section independently while using the Thinking Notes with post-its. Students will identify objection, misunderstandings, and relevant main ideas.
2.3. Students will work together in Jigsaw groups of 2-4 students. Students will be given two academic words from the Key Terms and People Handout. Once they finish identifying the words the class as a whole with piece the information together by sharing their answers.
2.4. The teacher during during the lesson opening will lead the discussion on previewing the chapter and explain the directions for the KWL chart. The teacher during the lesson body will walk around and supervise the independent reading. The teacher at the lesson closure will have students go back to the KWL chart and fill in the last column.
2.5. Assessment: Students will work on their Key Terms and People Handout as a form of formative assessment. The teacher will be able to check students comprehension of the content through collaborative work and correct any misunderstandings directly. The teacher will then use this handout as a review of the vocabulary for the lesson as a study tool.
3. Students will learn about the scientist Galileo Galilei who was convicted of heresy by the Inquisition for arguing that the sun, rather than the earth, was at the center of the solar system. Students will analyze primary source documents (from Library of Congress) and images in order to examine whether or not Galileo Galilei was a true heretic. This will be demonstrated through the synthesizing of primary source documents, group discussion on the close reading of documents, and writing in the guided question handout.
3.1. The teacher will begin introducing the lesson by providing a brief power point overview of who Galileo was and his contributions during the Scientific Revolution. The overview will give students some background knowledge of Galileo, the Catholic Church, and current events that are happening during the 1600s. The power point will also provide a time line of events to provide a framework of the current events taking place during this time in history.
3.2. Students will jigsaw the primary source documents, in which each group will do a review of one primary source document. Table groups will receive 1 of 4 primary sources documents.
3.3. Once the groups complete the close reading of the source they will then complete the guided questions to go along with the reading.
3.4. Once all the groups filled in their portion of the guided questions, then the leaders of each group will present their responses to the entire class. The leaders of the groups are assigned at the beginning of the quarter so students are aware of who that is at each group.
3.5. Informal Assessment: The teacher will be walking around the classroom listening to the close readings of the primary source documents amongst the 6 groups. The teacher will take notes on the discussions the students are having in relation with the text as well as when they are responding to the guided questions. Here, the teacher can assist in answering any questions students may struggle with and clear up any misconceptions students have on the reading of the primary source document.
3.6. Formative Assessment: The teacher will be collecting the guided question handout as evidence to gage how students interacted with the primary source lesson. The teacher will be able to see how students comprehended the reading by assessing their responses on the handout. This also allows the teacher to review with the class the following day if there were any misconceptions and provide feedback to students on their work.
4. Students will analyze the different perspectives of the different philosophers that affected the Scientific Revolution. Students will be able to demonstrate this by doing a close reading from Jean-Jacques Rousseau Social Contract and participating in the Socratic seminar discussion activity.
4.1. The teacher will introduce a quote from Jean Jacques Rousseau Social Contract that states, “Man was born free, but everywhere he is in chains.” The quote will be displayed on the projector using power point along with Rousseau’s name. The teacher will then discuss that Rousseau was on the philosophers who contributed to the Scientific Revolution, Enlightenment period, and as a result, influenced our own countries founding fathers. The teacher will then ask the class what he means when he states, “everywhere he is in chains?”
4.2. Following the close reading of Jean-Jacques Rousseau Social Contract, students will be participating in a Socratic seminar. Students will have their handout of the reading from the previous day that has been annotated and with the additional notes they have taken.
4.3. Students will also be coming to class with a completed Socratic seminar question handout that will display two though proving questions geared around the text and their own responses to the questions. Directions on the handout, informs students what type of questions are acceptable and the additional requirements.
4.4. Once the discussion begins to pick up, the teacher will move aside and allow students to pose their own open-ended questions. This will allow students to work on their higher order levels for critically thinking by developing their own questions, but also practicing in answer questions posed by their fellow classmates.
4.5. Students will also be able to practice using argument in making a claim and using textual evidence from the handout to back up their claim. The teacher will demonstrate this for the class at the beginning of the seminar so students understand how to do it.
4.6. Formative: The teacher will assess prior knowledge by asking what students know about the philosophers they have previously learned about. The teacher will walk around during the Socratic seminar gaging if the students are able to use the given knowledge to have a discussion and answer the questions being posed in the Socratic seminar.
4.7. Summative: The teacher will be collecting the Socratic seminar question handout to see if the students have grasped the purpose of the discussion by developing well thought out questions, responses to the questions, and evaluating the paragraph written on the question posed at the end of the lesson. The teacher will review the work provided by the students to see if the subject needs to be revisited. The teacher will also be able to give direct feedback on the student handout so the students can see how well they did on the activity.