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Assessment by Mind Map: Assessment

1. 3. Summative

1.1. Summative assessments are much more formal and allow the students to show what they have learned after the content has been taught.

1.1.1. One example of a summative assessment is a midterm exam. Another example of a summative assessment is a final project.

2. 4. Performance

2.1. A performance assessment allows the students to complete a task showing tier understanding rather than just selecting an answer on a test.

2.1.1. One example is a portfolio. Another example is a group project.

3. 5. Diagnostic

3.1. This is a type of assessment that allows the teacher to gauge their students strengths and weaknesses PRIOR to teaching the content so they know what they should adjust or focus on.

3.1.1. One example is having students complete a brain dump about a current content. Another example would be doing a "know" and "want to know" chart with your students.

4. 1. Formative

4.1. Formative assessments are usually "low stakes" and have no affect on students grade but are more for the teacher to gauge where students are at and how they might need to change instruction.

4.1.1. Examples: One example of a formative assessment is an exit ticket. Another example would be having your students write 1-2 sentences on what they know from the lesson or content.

5. 2. Interim/Benchmark

5.1. This assessment evaluates where students currently are in their learning and where they are on track to perform on a standardized test.

5.1.1. One example of this would be a MAP test or and sort of benchmark used during the school year.