Project Change Request TEMPLATE

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Project Change Request TEMPLATE by Mind Map: Project Change Request TEMPLATE

1. Change ID

1.1. To be filled out by project manager

1.2. e.g. F-8

2. Impact

2.1. Time

2.1.1. e.g. Change will result in a 30 day time increase

2.2. Cost

2.3. Quality

2.4. Scope

3. Change decision

3.1. To be filled out by project manager

3.2. Change is...

3.2.1. Accepted

3.2.2. Rejected

3.2.3. Deferred

3.3. Decision maker

3.3.1. Name of person or group

3.4. Additional comments

4. Requestor

4.1. Name of person proposing the change

5. Change description

5.1. Description of the proposed change

6. Change category

6.1. e.g. Feature change

7. Reason for change

7.1. Detailed description of proposed change