Hook Head Lighthouse

Hook Head Lighthouse

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Hook Head Lighthouse by Mind Map: Hook Head Lighthouse

1. History

2. Other information

2.1. The Lonely Old Lighthouse

2.2. South East

3. Other Lighthouses of Interest

3.1. Ireland

3.2. Around the World

4. Other nearby places of interest

4.1. Loftus Hall

4.2. Beaches

4.2.1. Dollar Bay Baginbun Beach Sandeel Bay Carnivan Bay Duncannon Beach Slade Harbour The Grange Strand Boucy Bay Booley Bay Bannow Bay Bannow Strand

5. Gallery

6. The Visitors Centre

6.1. Tel: 051 397054 Email: [email protected]

7. Interesting Facts

7.1. Stands 36 metres high

7.2. 115 steps to the top

7.3. It was converted to automatic operation in 1996