1. Idea 2
1.1. Practice identifying the size of imposition.
1.2. Explore different situations for making a request in a small group, and what the size of imposition may be for each situation. Discuss situations as a whole class.
1.3. Discuss"the importance of determining the size of imposition of their requests so that they neither underplay the situation nor overdo the request" (Glass, 2013, p. 130).
2. Idea 3
2.1. Model different strategies for making requests, as well as accepting or denying requests (i.e. positive politeness and acknowledgement of fault, demonstration of understanding of the size of imposition, suggestion of alternative action, and use of negative politeness)
2.2. Give students opportunities to role play and demonstrate these techniques in various situations.
3. Idea 1
3.1. Students produce some requests, role-play the situations with them.
3.2. Discuss the impact of the request and the "importance of understanding what it is the requester wants ("W") and how it may impact ("SI" or size of imposition) the requestee" (Glass, 2013, p. 127).
3.3. Discuss the cultural difference in making request in terms of language. " demonstrate how the same request (i.e., the way the request is worded) may be interpreted by an American as a simple request but by a Canadian as an order" (Glass, 2014, p. 128).
4. Summary of Article
4.1. Teaching strategies to get the tone right: making requests and gaining compliance, by Maria Glass
4.1.1. Pragmatic acts, such as making a request can be difficult to achieve. So much so that ESL teachers may avoid dealing with instruction of pragmatics in the classroom.
4.1.2. Author provides strategies for teaching pragmatics. "The purpose of this teaching technique is to equip students with specific strategies and the language necessary to make requests appropriately and avoid misunderstandings" (Glass, 2013, p. 126).
4.1.3. Three step procedure for a teaching strategy for pragmatics. Introduction to the Art of Making Requests: "students understand that the way people make requests or feel compelled to comply with them may vary because of cultural differences" (Glass, 2013, p. 126). The Technique: Students "understand the elements involved in making requests" and "brainstorm language gambits they can use when putting their requests together" (Glass, 2013, p. 130). Practice & Feedback