Natural Desasters

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Natural Desasters by Mind Map: Natural Desasters

1. Hurricane

1.1. Causes

1.1.1. Great temperature

1.1.2. Water evaporated at an accelerated level

1.1.3. Humidity

1.2. Consequences

1.2.1. Surf and tides

1.2.2. Torrential rain

1.2.3. Strong winds

2. Tsunami

2.1. Causes

2.1.1. Earthquakes

2.1.2. Meteorites

2.1.3. Seaquake

2.2. Consequences

2.2.1. Medical consequences

2.2.2. Economic damage

2.2.3. Destruction of buildings

3. Wildfires

3.1. Causes

3.1.1. solar strom

3.1.2. electric strom

3.1.3. volcanic eruption

3.2. Consequences

3.2.1. disappearance of native species

3.2.2. climate change

3.2.3. greenhouse effect

4. Meter rain

4.1. Causes

4.1.1. electromagnetic attraction

4.1.2. they leave their orbit

4.1.3. Explosion of a star

4.2. Consequences

4.2.1. Destruction

4.2.2. Radioactivity

4.2.3. Earthquakes

5. Electric storm

5.1. Causes

5.1.1. Electric potential difference

5.1.2. Humidity

5.1.3. Warming the earth

5.2. Consequences

5.2.1. Calcinan forests

5.2.2. Electric shorts Death

5.2.3. Death

6. Earthquake

6.1. Cause

6.1.1. Movement of tectonic plates.

6.1.2. Volcano eruption

6.1.3. Fall of a meteorite

6.2. Consequences

6.2.1. tsunami

6.2.2. destruction

6.2.3. death

7. Tornadoes

7.1. Cause

7.1.1. two forces clash

7.1.2. storm

7.1.3. rotating air that turns violently

7.2. Consequences

7.2.1. rupture of small trees

7.2.2. damaged strctures

7.2.3. No transportation available

8. Volcan eruption

8.1. Causes

8.1.1. Magma accumulation

8.1.2. Earthquakes

8.1.3. Emission of fumaroles

8.2. Consequences

8.2.1. Asthma in people

8.2.2. Devastation

8.2.3. Disadvantage in sight

9. Flood

9.1. Causes

9.1.1. Strong rains

9.1.2. Overflow in rivers

9.1.3. Coastal by cyclones

9.2. Consequences

9.2.1. People's health

9.2.2. Economy

9.2.3. Destruction of real estate

10. Snow avalanche

10.1. Causes

10.1.1. Snow detachment

10.1.2. They slide down the slope

10.1.3. Waves of air

10.2. Consequences

10.2.1. Burial of people

10.2.2. Burial of houses

10.2.3. Deaths