Digitalization and learning

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Digitalization and learning by Mind Map: Digitalization and learning

1. Website

1.1. Complete overhaul

1.2. New design

1.3. Platform for OC

1.4. GDPR - resumes etc

1.5. Business intelligence, data

2. File storage

2.1. Dropbox??

3. Digitize work methods

3.1. Rethink all processes

3.2. Ipads not print

4. Digitize OC

4.1. Meistertask

4.2. Digitalisation workshops

4.3. Video applications

5. Digitize partner events

5.1. Throughout the year

6. Case platform

6.1. Learning digitalized

6.2. How to videos

6.3. Case training section from webpage

7. Qualification platform

7.1. Digital qualification finals

7.2. Upload vid+slides

7.3. Screening and grading on platform

7.4. Automated feedback

7.5. Top 5/10 presentations online for peers

7.5.1. peer grading and comments

8. Mini Case

8.1. Testing new platform + learning for participants

8.2. 100% digital

9. Digital content

9.1. Podcasts

9.2. Videos

9.3. Webinars/workshop

9.4. Livestreams