Urban greening to cool towns and cities: A systematic review of the empirical evidence

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Urban greening to cool towns and cities: A systematic review of the empirical evidence by Mind Map: Urban greening to cool towns and cities: A systematic review of the empirical  evidence

1. Interpolation Method:

1.1. Kriging techniques

1.2. Comparing Spatial

1.3. OCK techniques

1.4. GIS spatial

2. Country Of France

3. Urban Greening:

3.1. Change that been predicted to have a range of consequences for Human health arising from the direct and indirect impacts of changes in temperature and precipitation

3.2. Increase of air temperature in problematic Urban areas

4. NDVI Data

4.1. studies following this approach found a negative correlation between vegetation

4.1.1. to assess the effects of different potential infrastructures rather than green cover per section, our review focuses on studies that measure air temperature in a specific greening type rather than an undescribed green or vegetation surface cover

5. Advantage:

5.1. to mitigate the human health consequences of increased temperatures resulting from climate change

5.2. cooling effect of parks and results show that, on average, a park was 0.94°C cooler in the day

6. Disadvantage:

6.1. the cooling effect of green space is mostly based on observational studies of small numbers of green sites.

7. Problem:

7.1. The impact of specific greening interventions on the wider urban area, and whether the effects are due to greening alone, has yet to be demonstrated

7.2. Current evidence base does not allow specific recommendations to be made on how best to incorporate greening into an urban area.