
1. Literacy
1.1. Use comprehension strategies to build literal and inferred meaning and begin to evaluate texts by drawing on a growing knowledge of context, text structures and language features (ACELY1680)
1.1.1. Activity; Story Map- chronological representation. Read 3 chapters of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Students write elements on sticky notes and then create a draft story map. Pairs collaborate. The story map is then used as a basis for retelling the story
1.2. Re-read and edit texts for meaning, appropriate structure, grammatical choices and punctuation (ACELY1683)
1.2.1. Activity; Re-read Ch. 15 and do a word search for outstanding openers e.g. 'Graceful' 'Automatically'. Use each opener to write your own sentence.
2. Language
2.1. Understand that languages have different written and visual communication systems, different oral traditions and different ways of constructing meaning (ACELA1475)
2.1.1. Activity; Extend a Heading. Provide students with newspaper headlines eg 'Nice Boy wins last ticket'. Individually they brainstorm synonyms or antonyms to adapt the headlines- then in pairs and then reach consensus in a group of 4. New headlines are then displayed (ACELY 1792)
2.2. Examine how evaluative language can be varied to be more or less forceful (ACELA1477)
2.2.1. Activity; Meaning Continuum. Talk about the language 'must' in regard to who went with Charlie to the Chocolate factory. Place a word that is opposite in meaning at other end. Brainstorm words related to those on the continuum and then arrange in order (ACELY 1676)
2.3. Understand how different types of texts vary in use of language choices, depending on their purpose and context (for example, tense and types of sentences) (ACELA1478)
2.3.1. Activity; Watch excerpts of movie and read corresponding part of the text. Construct a Venn diagram to compare the similarities and differences in the texts
2.3.2. Activity; Debate "The movie is never as good as the book". (ACELT1598)
2.4. Understand that paragraphs are a key organisational feature of written texts (ACELA1479)
2.4.1. Activity; See Think Wonder. Have 3 types of text- paragraph, dialogue and poetry (Oomp-Loompa Song). Have a class discussion on the compare and contrast of the 3 texts.
2.5. Identify the features of online texts that enhance navigation (ACELA1790)
2.5.1. Activity; Students research different recipes for flavours of ice-cream. Use various search engines, navigation bars and hyperlinks to obtain information. Then make icecream in maths! Read and follow procedures.
2.6. Understand that verbs represent different processes, for example doing, thinking, saying, and relating and that these processes are anchored in time through tense (ACELA1482)
2.6.1. Activity; 2C2D Collecting, Comparing, Displaying and Discussing. Highlight all the verbs on a given passage. Then compare what all the verbs have in common. Discuss similarities and differences of verbs. Substitute the verbs for different ones with a sticky note over the top. What happens to the meaning? For extension change all the verbs to pretend it happened yesterday.
2.7. Identify the effect on audiences of techniques, for example shot size, vertical camera angle and layout in picture books, advertisements and film segments (ACELA1483)
2.7.1. Activity; Look at 6 different chocolate bars and observe- name, what advertised, main colour, slogan, other words and target audience. Design your own chocolate bar and advertise it.
3. English
3.1. Literature
3.1.1. Create imaginative texts based on characters, settings and events from students’ own and other cultures using visual features, for example perspective, distance and angle (ACELT1601) Activity; Change the point of view. Write a scene from the perspective of one of the other children or the parents. How do you think they felt? Do you think they enjoyed the visit to Willy Wonka's factory? (ACELY1675)
3.1.2. Draw connections between personal experiences and the worlds of texts, and share responses with others (ACELT1596) Activity; Just Like. Create a response to the character you are most like or it could be the one you are least like. Brainstorm the character traits. Make the comparison between the character and yourself. Gather all the same characters together at the end to find out why each student thought they were like that character.
3.1.3. Discuss how language is used to describe the settings in texts, and explore how the settings shape the events and influence the mood of the narrative (ACELT1599) Activity; Read the start of Ch. 15 The Chocolate Room. Have each student draw this setting using the description that they have heard read.
3.1.4. Discuss the nature and effects of some language devices used to enhance meaning and shape the reader’s reaction, including rhythm and onomatopoeia in poetry and prose (ACELT1600) Activity; Have printed copies of Oompa-Loompa songs. Notice rhyme and rhythm. Look for onomatopoeias. In groups discuss mood and answer 'Are the Oompa-Loompa's joking?'
3.1.5. Create texts that adapt language features and patterns encountered in literary texts, for example characterisation, rhyme, rhythm, mood, music, sound effects and dialogue (ACELT1791) Activity; Write your own Oompa-Loompa song for Charlie.
4. Health & Physical Education
4.1. movement and physical activity
4.1.1. Movement skills that combine the elements of effort, space, time, objects and people (ACPMP047) Activity; Do a simple Oompa-Loompa dance with the students that will demonstrate acceleration and deceleration of movement in physical activities, use of space and flow in movement sequences and using the body to demonstrate an understanding of symmetry, shapes and angles when performing movement skills, balances or movement sequences (for instance half class bend down, other half reach up)
4.2. personal, social and community health
4.2.1. Factors that strengthen personal identities, such as the influence of: family friends school (ACPPS033) Activity; Make a placemat about the different people in Charlie's family. With a picture of Charlie in centre answer: Why did Charlie take Grandpa Joe? What are Charlie's parent's like? Who does Charlie live with? What is Charlie's family like compared to the other children's families?
4.2.2. Choices and behaviours conveyed in health information and messages (ACPPS039) Activity; Make up your own 3 course Chewing Gum Meal. What will you have for entree, main and dessert? What would be a "good" choice meal? What would be a "not so good" meal choice? Rate each course using traffic lights (ACELY1682) (ACELY1685)
5.1. knowledge and understanding
5.1.1. Who makes rules, why rules are important and the consequences of rules not being followed (ACHASSK071) Activity; Discuss who made the rules at the Chocolate Factory, why were they important and what happened when they weren't followed. Have a debate "Willy Wonka's rules for the Chocolate Factory are good for everybody- true or false" (ACELY1676) (ACELY1677)
5.2. humanities and social science skills
5.2.1. Develop a range of focus questions to investigate (WAHASS27). Locate and collect information from a variety of sources (e.g. photographs, maps, books, interviews, internet) (WAHASS28) Record selected information and/or data (e.g. use graphic organisers, develop note-taking strategies) (WAHASS29) Activity; Research/ conduct an author study on Roald Dahl. Have a sheet with Roald Dahl's face in the middle and segments painted in different colours. Work out as a class a number of focus questions about Roald Dahl. Write on board together. Go to library for research, use class chrome books
5.2.2. Translate collected information and/or data into different formats (e.g. create a timeline, change data in to a table and/or graph) (WAHASS34) Activity; Using the information collected, draw a timeline of Roald Dahl's life and important events.
5.2.3. Present findings and conclusions in a range of communication forms (e.g. written, oral, visual, digital, tabular, graphic), appropriate to audience and purpose, using relevant terms (WAHASS37) Activity; In groups present to the class your research on Roald Dahl (options could be written, verbal, powerpoint, movie, timeline)
6. Science
6.1. science understanding
6.1.1. A change of state between solid and liquid can be caused by adding or removing heat (ACSSU046) Activity; Conduct an experiment using different heat sources (sun, candle, rubbing, mouth, hair dryer) to melt chocolate. Write the procedure as a class. Record individual observations in science journal.
6.2. science as a human endeavour
6.2.1. Science involves making predictions and describing patterns and relationships (ACSHE050) Activity; Discuss in groups predictions about which heat source will be most effective and why in science journal before conducting chocolate melting experiment
6.2.2. Science knowledge helps people to understand the effect of their actions (ACSHE051) Activity; Research different sources of energy that can be used to power a factory. Debate "All factories should be closed down because they are bad for the environment" Great Debate FSRRB p150 Cross Curricular Priority SUSTAINABILITY Activity; Go on an excursion to a Chocolate Factory. Write a reflection on the things you heard, saw, smelt and tasted
6.3. science inquiry skills
6.3.1. Use a range of methods including tables and simple column graphs to represent data and to identify patterns and trends (ACSIS057) Activity; Write results from experiment in a table. Demonstration of different types text structures (ACELA 1478)
7. Mathematics
7.1. number and algebra
7.1.1. Recall multiplication facts of two, three, five and ten and related division facts (ACMNA056) Activity; Make playdough with chocolate flavour. Use playdough to make arrays of multiplication facts. Read recipe to make playdough
7.1.2. Represent and solve problems involving multiplication using efficient mental and written strategies and appropriate digital technologies (ACMNA057) Activity; Build a Willy Wonka factory with multiplication arrays 2X2=4 3X2=6 Write names of rooms on each array Array City Multiplication Activity
7.1.3. Model and represent unit fractions including 1/2, 1/4, 1/3, 1/5 and their multiples to a complete whole (ACMNA058) Activity; Using recipe for playdough have measuring cups and 'lose' various cups need 3/4 but only have 1/2 and 1/4 to do unit of measure. Reading recipe to work out the ingredients to measure. Procedure writing.
7.1.4. Represent money values in multiple ways and count the change required for simple transactions to the nearest five cents (ACMNA059) Activity; Go to the local shop to buy some Willy Wonka chocolate bars. Work out the change that you would get from $5. Read name of chocolate bars and price for each chocolate bar.
7.2. measurement and geography
7.2.1. Measure, order and compare objects using familiar metric units of length, mass and capacity (ACMMG061) Activity; Make ice-cream using the research of different flavours. Read recipe. Work out the size of container you will need to put your ice-cream into the freezer in.
7.3. statistics and probability
7.3.1. Conduct chance experiments, identify and describe possible outcomes and recognise variation in results (ACMSP067) Activity; Work out the chance of getting a golden ticket. How many chocolate bars would you need to open? Write and explain the procedure for your experiment and the reasons for the possible outcomes.
8. The Arts
8.1. Drama
8.1.1. Improvised and devised drama based on narrative structures in familiar drama styles (ACADRM031) Performance skills and audience awareness (where performers use focus and control) when performing drama styles (ACADRM033) Activity; Perform 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' for your class assembly. Read script as a class. (ACELA 1476)
8.1.2. Rehearsal processes (to improve the flow of the performance) to support audience engagement (ACADRM033) Activity; Rehearse for class assembly
8.2. Music
8.2.1. Reasons why people make music across different places, events or occasions (ACAMUR087) Responses that identify how the elements of music combine to communicate ideas, mood and meaning (ACAMUR087) Activity; Look at the purpose of the Oompa-Loompa's songs- why do they sing them? As a class write then set to music an oopma-loompa song to welcome Charlie to the factory. Would it be similar or different to the songs for the other children? How did the songs for the children make you feel? (ACELT1791)
8.3. Visual Arts
8.3.1. Presentation and consideration of where and how artwork is displayed (ACAVAR109) Activity; Prepare props for class assembly. Plan for stage production and how to represent things on large scale EPS Foam Makes Sweet Set Designs One Play at a Time
8.3.2. Presentation of an idea to an audience and refection of the visual art elements and materials used in artwork (ACAVAM112) Activity; Illustrate and design your own chocolate bar wrapper. Give a sales pitch to your classmates Design A Chocolate Bar to Support Teaching on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
8.4. Dance
8.4.1. Exploration, improvisation and selection of movement ideas to create a dance that has a narrative structure (ACADAM005) Activity; Create an Oompa-Loompa dance. Choose one of the children who exit the chocolate factory and use the words of the song to make up a dance that tells that story. Augustus in the chocolate river. (ACELY1675)
9. Technologies
9.1. design and technologies
9.1.1. Activity; Design your own chocolate factory. What different rooms would you have in your factory? What would you name them? Think and plan how you would produce your chocolate bars?
9.2. digital technologies
9.2.1. Activity; Research Roald Dahl's life collecting, managing and analysing data and the nature and properties of data, how they are collected and interpreted.
9.2.2. Activity; Make a kahoot quiz about Roald Dahl's life, his writing and Charlie and the Chocolate factory Kahoot! Creating Quiz questions (FSRRB p 177)