My Destination Guidebook!

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My Destination Guidebook! 저자: Mind Map: My Destination Guidebook!

1. Personal Goals

1.1. Give my best to everything I try

1.2. Continue with daily excersise

1.3. Eat more healthy

2. Skills I have

2.1. Inititive

2.2. Collaboration

2.3. Responsibility

2.4. Independant Work

2.5. Self-Regulation

3. Academic Goals

3.1. make honour roll

3.2. do my best

3.3. study hard and get above 90

4. Skills to achieve my goals (need)

4.1. determination

4.2. following and setting plans

4.3. inspiration

5. characteristics of my goals

5.1. achievable

5.2. realistic

5.2.1. reasonable

6. things I don't like

6.1. Saying what I'm good at

6.2. talking about my talents

7. where do I want to go with my life?

7.1. somewhere peaceful

7.2. somewhere that pays me well

7.3. or somewhere where I'm the boss of me

8. High School

8.1. Grade 9

8.2. Grade 10

8.3. Grade 11

8.4. Grade 12


9.1. 40 Hours

9.2. OSSLT

9.3. 30 Credits

10. Skills I need

10.1. Orgnization

10.2. Following through with plans

10.3. Oral Formal communication

10.4. written skills

10.5. formal writing skills

11. extra-curriculars

11.1. CCAA Junior Choir

11.2. Armenian Star Choir

11.3. Armenian Saturday School

11.4. Tech Crew

11.5. Carter Amnesty Club

11.6. Black History Assembly

12. Extra-curriculars I wan to join

12.1. Youth Club

12.2. Math competitions

12.3. Badminton

12.4. Brain Bee

12.5. Music Concil

13. Career Goals:

13.1. Neuroscientists

13.2. study hard to go to the university of my choice

13.3. A job that will allow me to help others

14. my talents

14.1. writing

14.2. listening

14.3. singing

14.3.1. playing instruments

14.4. math & science