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Who am I? por Mind Map: Who am I?

1. Dia 1 - Who am I? Picture of yourself - Age - Which class - Where do you live?

2. Dia 2 - With whom do you live? Picture of your family - Who are your parents? - Do you have brothers/sisters? - Tell something about your family

3. Dia 5 - Hobby 1 Picture of your hobby - Tell something about your hobby - What is it? How does it work?

3.1. Dia 6 - Hobby 1 Picture of you doing your hobby - Show what you do - Tell the class why you like it

3.2. Dia 7 - Hobby 1 Picture of someone else doing your hobby For example, if your hobby is a sport, show your favorite team.

4. Dia 8 - Hobby 2 Picture of your hobby - Tell something about your hobby - What is it? How does it work?

4.1. Dia 9 - Hobby 2 Picture of you doing your hobby - Show what you do - Tell the class why you like it

4.2. Dia 10 - Hobby 2 Picture of someone else doing your hobby For example, if your hobby is a sport, show your favorite team.

5. Dia 13 - Favorite vacation destination Picture of your favorite holiday place - Have you been there? - When and how often? - Or why do you want to go there?

6. Dia 14 - Favorite color Show the color and tell why you like it

7. Dia 15 - Your friends Picture of you and your friends - Who are they? - Where do you know them from? - Where did you meet? - When did you meet?

8. Dia 3 - Your pets Picture of your pets - Do you have any pets? - Tell something about them

9. Dia 4 - Your house Picture of your house/your room - Tell something about your house: is it big, is there a garden, etc. - You can also tell something about your room

10. Dia 11 - Favorite animal Picture of your favorite animal

11. Dia 12 - Favorite meal Picture of your favorite meal - What is in it? - Is it from a different country?