Informal letter/email

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Informal letter/email by Mind Map: Informal letter/email

1. Expressions

1.1. Greetings (OPENING)

1.1.1. Hi/Hello

1.1.2. It was great to hear from you

1.1.3. Thanks from you're email/letter

1.2. Asking for news

1.2.1. How have you been?

1.2.2. What's been happening with you?

1.3. Giving news

1.3.1. I'm well, thanks

1.3.2. I've been really busy with...

1.3.3. Sorry I haven't written...

1.3.4. As for...

1.4. Asking for advice

1.4.1. What would you do?

1.4.2. How can I...?

1.5. Making suggestions

1.5.1. Why don't you..?

1.5.2. How about...?

1.5.3. Maybe we could...

1.5.4. Let's...

1.6. Signing off (ENDING)

1.6.1. Take care

1.6.2. Bye for now

1.6.3. All the best

1.6.4. Looking forward to seeing you

1.6.5. Hope to hear from you soon

1.6.6. Love,

1.6.7. Keep in touch

1.6.8. That's all for now

1.6.9. Write back soon!

2. Language

2.1. Friendly tone

2.2. Chatty style

2.2.1. Tell me ALL about it!

2.3. Less formalities

2.3.1. I bet New York is great

2.4. Contracted words

2.4.1. I'd like...

3. Punctuation

3.1. Exclamation marks

3.1.1. No way!


4.1. Greeting

4.1.1. Dear/Hi

4.2. Paragraph 1

4.2.1. (Introduce yourself) Explain why you're writting

4.3. Paragraph 2 & 3

4.4. Paragraph 4

4.5. Ending