The U.S. Debt Ceiling debate

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The U.S. Debt Ceiling debate создатель Mind Map: The U.S. Debt Ceiling debate

1. June 29, 2011

1.1. The IMF makes a statement that the U.S. Government must lift it's debt ceiling in order to avoid a "severe shock" to global markets, as well as the fragile U.S. economy

1.2. President Obama calls for increased efforts to spur job growth, as well as increasing taxes for wealthy Americans

1.3. Republicans remains focused on deficit reduction

2. June 30, 2011

2.1. Democrats introduce a scaled-back deal that would avoid default

2.2. This deal would also force Congress to revisit the debt ceiling issue before the 2012 elections

2.3. The White House rejects this proposal

3. July 3, 2011

3.1. Obama and Boehner secretly meet to discuss the "grand bargain"

3.1.1. the deal would save $4 trillion over 10 years

3.1.2. through changes to the current tax code

3.1.3. as well as changes to popular benefits programs

4. July 5, 2011

4.1. Obama brings top leaders to the table to reopen negotiations

4.2. Obama seeks to have a deal in place by July 22nd

5. July 6, 2011

5.1. Reuters reports that a small group of U.S. Treasury Department officials are meeting to discuss options to hold off defaulting, should Congress fail to agree on a raising of the debt ceiling

5.2. The White House continues to state that there is no "Plan B" in place

6. July 7, 2011

6.1. Obama says that Republicans and Democrats are still far deeply divided on a number of issues

6.1.1. but that all agreed to raise the debt ceiling

7. July 8, 2011

7.1. A scathing jobs report refocuses attention on the U.S. economy

7.2. Obama says that debt ceiling talks contribute to uncertainty in the market

8. July 9 , 2011

8.1. Boehner calls the "grand bargain" dead

8.1.1. Republicans will not agree to tax increases demanded by Democrats

8.1.2. calls for a $2 trillion package that would rely mostly on spending cuts

9. July 10, 2011

9.1. Obama and congressional leaders go head to head in a "heated" debate

9.1.1. No progress other than both parties agreeing that they need to meet again the next day

10. July 11, 2011

10.1. Obama pressures both Republicans and Democrats to make concessions and come to a deal

11. July 12, 2011

11.1. Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell introduces a bill to avoid default should congress fail to agree on a debt reduction plan

11.2. Obama warns that if an agreement is not reached soon, the American public could stop receiving benefits on August 2nd

12. July 13, 2011

12.1. Moody's investor services puts the United States on review to be downgraded based on the lack of a debt ceiling increase

12.2. Obama meets with lawmakers for over 2 hours

12.2.1. No agreement is reached

13. July 14, 2011

13.1. Standard & Poor says that there's a 1-in-2 chance that they will downgrade the U.S.'s AAA rating if a stalemate continues

13.2. Obama calls "time", and gives lawmakers 24-36 hours to propose a solution to the deadlock

14. July 17, 2011

14.1. Senator McConnell and Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid work on McConnell's original proposal to allow the President to raise the debt ceiling

14.2. Obama meets with Boehner and his deputy Eric Cantor

14.2.1. no progress is made

15. July 18, 2011

15.1. Republicans introduce a measure that would cut and cap government spending

15.1.1. and require an amendment to the U.S. Constitution requiring a balanced budget

15.2. Obama states that he will veto any such measure

16. July 19, 2011

16.1. The "Gang of Six" proposes a new deficit reduction plan

16.1.1. $3.75 trillion in savings over 10 years

16.1.2. $1.2 trillion in new revenues

16.2. Obama urges Congress to start "Talking Turkey"

16.3. House Republicans pass a $5.8 trillion deficit-reduction plan with a balanced budget amendment

17. July 20, 2011

17.1. The White House indicates that Obama would be willing to approve a very short-term debt limit extension beyond Aug. 2

17.2. Obama holds two separate meetings with top lawmakers

17.2.1. Democrats

17.2.2. Republicans

18. July 21, 2011

18.1. Reports surface that Obama and Boehner discuss a $3 trillion deficit-cutting deal

18.2. Obama holds his ground on revenue increases via taxation

18.2.1. meets with Democratic Congressional leaders

19. Nov. 2, 2010

19.1. The Republican party assumes the majority control of the House of Representatives

19.1.1. Promise to scale back government spending and tackle budget deficits

19.1.2. Debts hover at their highest levels (relative to the economy) since World War II

20. Dec. 1, 2010

20.1. A bipartisan deficit reduction panel presents their findings and recommend $3 trillion in spending cuts and $1 trillion in revenue increases

20.1.1. revenue increases are primarily driven by closing U.S. Tax law loopholes

20.1.2. Recommendations to be spread over 10 years

21. January 2011

21.1. The current "Gang of Six" begin talks on a long-term deficit-reduction deal that would appeal to both parties

21.1.1. Republicans Saxby Chambliss Georgia Mike Crapo Idaho Tom Coburn Oklahoma

21.1.2. Democrats Mark Warner Virginia Dick Durbin Illinois Kent Conrad North Dakota

22. Feb. 19, 2011

22.1. The House of Representatives pass a budget for the current fiscal year

22.1.1. The budget would cut $61 billion from the previous year's levels

22.2. One month later, the budget is defeated by the Democrat led Senate

23. April 9, 2011

23.1. The U.S. government teeters on a full shutdown

23.2. President Obama and congressional leaders agree on a budget that will cut $38 billion from last year's levels

23.3. This spending reduction actually causes $3.2 billion more to be spent in the short term.

24. April 13, 2011

24.1. After initial critique, President Obama rolls out an additional spending cut program that would save $4 trillion over 12 years

24.2. President Obama appoints Vice President Joe Biden to lead deficit reduction discussions

25. April 15, 2011

25.1. The House of Representatives pass a budget that will cut spending by $6 trillion over 10 years

25.2. Savings are driven in part on cutbacks to programs for the elderly and poor

25.2.1. Social Security

25.2.2. Welfare

26. May 5, 2011

26.1. Vice President Biden and representatives from both political parties hold their first meeting to discuss deficit reduction

26.2. Republican leaders indicate that there will most probably be no agreement on tax reform and healthcare

27. May 9, 2011

27.1. Speaker of the House, John Boehner stats that any increase in the debt ceiling must be matched by an equal amount of spending cuts

27.2. The U.S. Department of the Treasury estimates that it will need $2 trillion to cover borrowing through the November 2012 elections

28. May 11, 2011

28.1. House Republicans present their spending outline for the coming year that sees cuts to programs in:

28.1.1. education

28.1.2. labor

28.1.3. health

29. May 16, 2011

29.1. The Government of The United States reaches it's $14.3 trillion debt limit

29.2. The U.S. Department of the Treasury begins accessing "other" resources to cover it's debts

30. May 17, 2011

30.1. Republican Senator Tom Coburn departs the "Gang of Six" over an impasse regarding healthcare

31. May 31, 2011

31.1. The House of Representatives refuse to raise the debt ceiling

31.2. Republicans stage the vote to pressure President Obama to agree to further spending cuts

31.3. Democrats point to the vote as nothing more than a political stunt

31.3.1. however 82 Democratic lawmakers join Republicans in defeating the bill

32. June 9, 2011

32.1. Sixth meeting of the "Biden Group"

32.2. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner states that tax increases must be part of the overall solution

32.3. Republicans appear unmoved

33. June 14, 2011

33.1. 34 Senate Republicans repeal tax breaks on Ethanol

33.2. This move provides hope to Democrats, indicating that Republicans are willing to budge on their "No Tax Increase" stance

34. June 23, 2011

34.1. Republicans call an impasse at the Biden talks

34.2. Republicans point to Democrats insistance of approx. $400 billion in new revenue by closing tax breaks for the wealthy and businesses