1. Temporal Lobe
1.1. Lateral Path
1.2. Language
1.3. At side of brain
1.4. anterior temporal lobe - upright faces
1.5. Left fusiforum gyrus (face like)
1.6. Right fusiforum gyrus (actual)
1.7. Medial temporal lobe - Declarative memory, Semantic memory (e.g. location of SF Golden Gate Bridge), Episodic Memory (e.g. what you did last night?) and long-term memory.
2. Parietal Lobe
2.1. Dorsal Path
2.2. 3D view at back of top
2.3. Perception of Stimuli: Temperature, Pressure, touch, pain.
2.4. either of the paired lobes of the brain at the top of the head, including areas concerned with the reception and correlation of sensory information
3. 2 Hemispheres
3.1. Left Hemisphere
3.1.1. Memory for words
3.1.2. Women use for face recognition.
3.2. Right Hemisphere
3.2.1. Memory for events
3.2.2. Men use for object perception and face perception.
3.2.3. women use for object recognition.
4. Brain & BBB
4.1. Keeps most chemicals out of brain
4.2. Is needed because brain has no immune system, neurons can’t replicate-replaced, there is no way to fix damage, viruses that do enter kill you and neural disorders last whole life.
4.3. Can be damaged by microwaves, inflammation, and infection.
4.4. Loosely joined in body, large gaps Tightly joined in brain, blocking most molecules
4.5. Glucose is the only protein that crosses BBB.
5. Occipital Lobe
5.1. The occipital lobe is at the back of the head, just above the neck. This is the primary projection area for vision.
5.2. The occipital lobe is the visual processing center of the mammalian brain containing most of the anatomical region of the visual cortex. The primary visual cortex is commonly called V1 (visual one).
6. Frontal Lobe
6.1. Primary motor cortex (M1)
6.1.1. homonculus
6.1.2. The part of the cerebral cortex in the brain where the nerve impulses originate that initiate voluntary muscular activity.
6.1.3. Located in the rear portion of the frontal lobe, and separates the frontal lobe from the parietal lobe.
6.2. Premotor cortex
6.2.1. processing info on intended movement sends info to motor cortex
6.3. Prefrontal cortex - 3 regions
6.3.1. Dorsolateral last to mylenate, still developing at 30 years old working memory Schizophrenia (negative and positive symptoms).
6.3.2. Orbitofrontal areas around eye sockets least explored, least understood. Alzheimers, drug cravings.
6.3.3. Ventromedial moral values, ambiguity, sarcasm anterior cingulated cortex Hippocampus Consolidation Sparse encoding develops during adolescence