Module 5: Completing the Curriculum

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Module 5: Completing the Curriculum by Mind Map: Module 5:  Completing the Curriculum

1. Learning Goal: Participants will create a standards based unit.

1.1. Participants will complete an outline for a standards based unit.

1.2. Participants will develop a standards based curriculum outline.

2. Assignment 5.2

2.1. Putting it all together

2.2. Provide an outline that incorporates the major topics of your curriculum in sequential order.

2.3. Assessment

2.3.1. Post Unit List to Discussion Board Completed by Day 5

2.3.2. Discussion board post rubric - 5.2

2.3.3. Provide feedback to classmate Completed by Day 6

3. Assignment 5.3

3.1. Complete the final survey

3.1.1. Zoomerang Survey

3.1.2. Completed by End of Module 5

4. Assignment 5.1

4.1. Developing the Curriculum

4.1.1. Summative assessments

4.1.2. Unit Lists Instructor provided samples

4.1.3. Informing instruction

4.2. Complete at least one additional unit

4.3. Assessment

4.3.1. Post additional units to Discussion Board Completed by Day 2

4.3.2. Provide feedback to one other classmate Completed by Day 3