1. Current Problems
1.1. No Real Time and Closed loop Decision
1.2. Not meeting objectives
1.2.1. In many cases, resulting management information systems are not primarily targeted on measuring the performance of business processes but on fulfilling traditional reporting requirements (e.g. financial reporting)
1.3. Challenges
1.3.1. Convergence of Business Process and BI
1.3.2. Convergence of BI and Enterprise Application Suit popular solution for integrating heterogeneous applications in or near real-time data because they are able to seamlessly publish any kind of data updates to every subscribing application
2. Business Environment
2.1. Rapidly Changing
2.2. Global Competition
3. Suggestion for Enhancing current BI
3.1. Framework for enhanced BI
3.1.1. BI as Decision Support Middleware Layer
3.1.2. Real Time Business Analytics Action Time Data Latecny Analysis Latency Decision Latency Response Latency
3.2. Architecture for enhanced BI
3.2.1. Sense & Respond: A system that communicates events via hubs with the internal and external Business Environment
3.2.2. How each Data Latency is minimized