Elements of Fiction: Some Pig! A Charlotte's Web Picture Book by E.B. White, Illustrated by Maggi...

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Elements of Fiction: Some Pig! A Charlotte's Web Picture Book by E.B. White, Illustrated by Maggie Kneen por Mind Map: Elements of Fiction: Some Pig! A Charlotte's Web Picture Book by E.B. White, Illustrated by Maggie Kneen

1. Characters

1.1. Protagonist

1.1.1. Fern and Wilbur share the protagonist role

1.2. Antagonist

1.2.1. There is not true antagonist in this version of Charlotte's Web

1.3. Supporting Characters

1.3.1. Mr. and Mrs. Arable, Avery, Aunt Edith and Uncle Homer

2. Plot

2.1. Dramatic Plot

2.1.1. Some Pig! tells the back story of Fern and Wilbur before he is sent to live on the Zuckerman farm and meets Charlotte the spider

2.1.2. The story tells how Fern raises Wilbur and forms a bond with him from a young age, doing many activities together every day, until Fern is forced to sell Wilbur to her Aunt and Uncle

3. Conflict

3.1. Protagonist against Society

3.1.1. Fern is forced by her parents to give Wilbur away even though she doesn't want to because he is growing too big

3.2. Protagonist against Self

3.2.1. Fern has an internal struggle when giving Wilbur away because she wants to keep him but she knows he deserves better

4. Tone

4.1. Didacticism

4.1.1. The story teaches the lesson that while we might love something very much, sometimes it is best to let it go

4.2. Sentimentalism

4.2.1. Fern is very emotional about Wilbur and his well-being, and becomes very upset when having to give him up after getting so attached to him

5. Narrative POV

5.1. Omniscient Narrator

5.1.1. The narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of all the characters

6. Setting

6.1. In Fern's house, outside in the yard, various outdoor locations

7. Style

7.1. Dialogue

7.1.1. There is very little written dialogue, with the only spoken words in the story being between Fern and her parents, mainly her father

7.2. Exposition

7.2.1. The story begins with describing how much Fern loves Wilbur and how she takes care of him all the time

8. Theme

8.1. The Cycle of Life

8.1.1. Everything grows up and moves on in life, as seen in Fern raising Wilbur from a piglet and having to let him go live somewhere else to continue his life

8.2. The Importance of Love and Friendship

8.2.1. Fern learns important life lessons through having Wilbur and experiencing his love and companionship, and Wilbur learns the same through her