Theme 5; Footbaal and hooliganisme

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Theme 5; Footbaal and hooliganisme by Mind Map: Theme 5; Footbaal and hooliganisme

1. Lexi Alexander, film: Green Street Hooligans

2. Simon Armitage: "Goalkeeper With a Cigarette" SYSTIME

3. Ian Rankin: "An Afternoon"

4. Will Storr: "The undercover football hooligan"

5. Steve Wilson: Bert trautmann - A life Less Ordinary

6. "We hate humans"

7. Donal McIntyre film: "Hooligan"

8. Nick Hornby: "Faith"

9. Franklin Foer: "How Football Explain the Sentimental Hooligan" SYSTIME

10. Sean Ingle: "Football hooligaism, once the English disease, is more like a cold sore now"

11. Nick Horn: "Feverpitch"

12. Introduction to Hooliganism

13. Arsenal v Stoke City 14.9.68