Critical Review of 'What are the pros and cons of social networking sites?' prepared by Goh E Yen...

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Critical Review of 'What are the pros and cons of social networking sites?' prepared by Goh E Yenn & Tong Hui Gin Emily by Mind Map: Critical Review of 'What are the pros and cons of social networking sites?' prepared by Goh E Yenn & Tong Hui Gin Emily

1. Body paragraph 3

1.1. We disagree that joining the social networking sites allow people to connect with each other.

1.2. The Happiness Research Institute (2015) states that people who had taken a one-week break from Facebook felt happier and were less sad and lonely.

1.3. -With the development of technology, people tend to rely on devices such as phones, computers and more to communicate with others, thus there is less face-to-face communication in the society. -For example, family members look at their phones while waiting for their food instead of talking to each other. -Consequently , people who have a life on the social network do not notice that they are actually losing their connections with the real world , and at the same time destroying their abilities to make real life conversations.

2. Conclusion

2.1. -In conclusion, social networking sites make identity theft to occur easily and make users to be more dependent on it. -On the other hand , we disagree that the social networking sites can create a closer relationship between one and another in the virtual world.

2.2. -All users should secure their personal information to prevent from misuse, unauthorised access, or disclosure. -Social networking sites should be used appropriately , so that it would not ruin our life in becoming an anti-social couch potato.

3. References

3.1. Javelin Strategy and Research, 2017, Identity Fraud Study. Retrieved April 12th 2018 ,from

3.2. Chicago University n.d. ,Social Networking Addiction. Retrieved April 12th 2018, from

3.3. The Happiness Research Institute, 2015,"The Facebook Experiment: Does Social Media Affect the Quality of Our Lives?,". Retrieved April 12th 2018, from

4. Body paragraph 2

4.1. We agree that people may find social networking sites to be addictive and overwhelming.

4.2. -People use the social networking sites to seek for solace and escape whenever they feel overwhelmed and stressed. -Besides that, people often keep themselves updated through checking their social network , therefore they do not have good time management in life. -They tend to neglect their priorities and cannot complete their tasks on time.

4.3. -Researchers at Chicago University concluded that social media addiction can be stronger than addiction to cigarettes and booze based on an experiment in which they recorded the cravings of several hundred people for several weeks.

5. Introductory paragraph

5.1. The article on 'What are the pros and cons of social networking sites?' by Strickland reports on advantages and disadvantages of social networking sites

5.2. Advantages: -Social networking sites enable users to connect with people. -Social networking sites can be used to network expertly. -Using social networking sites make organisation and invitation easier. -The reputation of an artiste's or actor's can be boosted up through social networking sites. -Social networking sites provide the platform for applications. -A person may be released from prison through the help of social network.

5.3. Disadvantages: -Identity theft is made easier through social network -Social networking sites deceive people into downloading destructive software. -People may find it to be overwhelming and addictive.

6. Body paragraph 1

6.1. We agree that social networking is made easier for identity theft.

6.2. -Personal information that people share publicly can be viewed effortlessly by anyone, hence people with bad intention will steal your identity for inappropriate purposes. -A person’s financial resources can be accessed by others if they provide their personal info such as person’s name, date of birth, bank account or credit card numbers. -The person whose identity has been assumed may suffer adverse consequences like bankruptcy, unemployment and furthermore.

6.3. Javelin Strategy & Research found that $16 billion was stolen from 15.4 million U.S. consumers in 2016 and identity thieves have stolen over $107 billion in the past six years through the case of identity theft.