Henry's COMM 292 Takeaways

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Henry's COMM 292 Takeaways by Mind Map: Henry's COMM 292 Takeaways

1. Perception, Personality and Emotion

1.1. Factors that affect Perception

1.1.1. Perceiver

1.1.2. Target

1.1.3. Situation

1.2. Emotion

1.2.1. Emotional Intelligence

1.2.2. Emotional Regulation

1.3. Personality

1.3.1. MBTI

1.3.2. Big 5 Personality Traits

2. Communication

2.1. Barriers to effective communication

2.2. Cultural Context

3. Organizational Change

3.1. Resistance to Change

3.1.1. Organizational

3.1.2. Individual

3.2. Overcoming Resistance to Change

3.3. Forces for Change

3.4. Approach to managing Change

3.4.1. Kotter's 8-step plan

3.4.2. Lewin's 3-step model

4. Conflict and Negotiation

4.1. Difference in Negotitating

4.1.1. Individual

4.1.2. Cultural

4.2. Bargaining Strategies

4.2.1. Distributive

4.2.2. Integrative

4.3. Conflict Management Strategies

4.3.1. Forcing

4.3.2. Problem Solving

4.3.3. Avoiding

4.3.4. Yielding

4.3.5. Compromising

5. Power and Politics

5.1. Power

5.1.1. Bases of Power Formal Power Personal Power

5.1.2. Empowerment

5.1.3. Influence Tactics

5.2. Politics

5.2.1. Impression Management

5.2.2. Ethics of Behaving Politically

6. Context

7. Motivation

7.1. Theories

7.1.1. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Physiological Safety Social

7.1.2. Motivation-Hygiene Theory (Two-Factor Theory) Intrinsic Factors Job Satisfaction Extrinsic Factors Job Dissatisfaction

7.1.3. McClelland's Theory of Needs Achievement Power Affiliation

7.2. Process Theories of Motivation

7.2.1. Expectancy Theory

7.2.2. Goal-setting Theory

7.2.3. Self-Efficacy Theory

7.2.4. Reinforcement Theory

7.3. Motivating Employees

7.3.1. Acquire

7.3.2. Bond

7.3.3. Comprehend

7.3.4. Defend

8. Ethics in Decision Making

8.1. Corporate Social Responsibility

8.2. Ethical Decision Criteria

8.2.1. Utilitarianism

8.2.2. Whistle-blowers

8.2.3. Justice

8.2.4. Care

9. Group and Teamwork

9.1. Types of Teams

9.1.1. Problem-solving Typically 5-12 employees from same department Meet few hours each week Organized to get task done

9.1.2. Self-managed Typically 10-15 employees Employees have interdependent jobs and many responsibilities of manager Less supervisory positions

9.1.3. Cross-functional Made up of employees with same hierarchical position but different positions Enables information exchange within organization

9.1.4. Virtual Tie physically dispersed members using technology to achieve common goal

9.2. Stages of Development

9.2.1. 5 Stages Model

9.2.2. Punctuated-Equilibrium Model

9.3. Team Effectiveness

9.3.1. Process

9.3.2. Composition

10. Attitudes

10.1. Cognitive Component

10.1.1. Example: Employee thought he deserved promotion

10.2. Affective Component

10.2.1. Example: Employee strongly dislikes supervisor

10.3. Behavioural Component

10.3.1. Example: Complained and taken action because of dislike

11. Confederate Flag Project

11.1. Presentation Skills

11.1.1. Speaking

11.1.2. Hand Gestures

11.2. Time Management

11.2.1. Deliver task distributed from the group on time

11.2.2. Punctual to group meetings

11.2.3. Remember that there IS a group meeting

11.3. Application of OB Concepts to real world