Spring web MVC

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Spring web MVC by Mind Map: Spring web MVC

1. Prehľad architektúry

1.1. DispatcherServlet

1.2. URL mapping

1.3. Controller

1.4. View mapping

2. Resolvers

2.1. View resolver

2.1.1. JSP

2.1.2. Tiles

2.1.3. Freemarker

2.1.4. Redirect vs. Forward

2.2. Locale resolver

2.2.1. Header

2.2.2. Cookie

2.2.3. Session

2.3. Theme resolver

2.4. Exception resolver

3. View technologies

3.1. JSP & JSTL

3.1.1. Tagy

3.2. Tiles

3.3. FreeMarker

3.4. Document view

3.4.1. PDF

3.4.2. Excel

3.4.3. JasperReports

4. Controllery

4.1. Controller

4.2. Abstract controller

4.3. Command controller

4.4. Form controller

4.5. Wizard controller

4.6. Multiaction controller

5. Binding

5.1. Validation

5.2. PropertyEditor

6. URL Mapping

6.1. BeanNameUrlHandlerMapping

6.2. SimpleUrlHandlerMapping

6.3. New node

7. Model and View