The Solar System

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The Solar System by Mind Map: The Solar System

1. Resources

1.1. Poster of the Solar System

1.2. Model of The Solar System

1.3. Didactic Videos

1.4. Paper support

2. Criteria for assesment

2.1. Assessment will be individual, in groups and continuous.

2.1.1. Individual: written paper

2.1.2. In groups: Trivia game

2.2. Assess how well learners

2.2.1. Understand how planets move (revolution and rotation)

2.2.2. Are able to describe the different characteristics of the Sun, the planets and the Moon

2.2.3. Contribute to and participate in pair-and group-work activities

2.2.4. Acquire and use topic-related vocabulary and structures

2.2.5. understan

3. Timing

3.1. Introduction: 1 day

3.2. Development (7 days)

3.2.1. The Solar System: planets and Sun (3 days)

3.2.2. The Earth: movements and Moon (2 days)

3.2.3. The Space Race (2 days)

3.3. Assessment (2 days)

3.3.1. Top Priorities

3.3.2. Medium Priorities

3.3.3. Low Priorities

4. The 4 Cs

4.1. Content

4.1.1. The Solar System, The Milky Galaxy

4.1.2. The Sun

4.1.3. The Planets

4.1.4. The movement of the planets

4.1.5. The Earth

4.1.6. The Moon

4.1.7. The Space Race

4.2. Cognition

4.2.1. To build on the prior knowledge of planets and their characteristics

4.2.2. To understand the key concepts and apply them in different contexts

4.2.3. To identify different spacial bodies

4.2.4. To analyse the different issues in the spacial race

4.2.5. To develop reading, vocabulary building and using skills

4.3. Communication

4.3.1. Key vocabulary: Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Moon, revolution, rotation, rocketman, spaceship, Neil Armstrong

4.3.2. Structures: Present simple/present continuous, use effectively zero conditional sentences for cause/effect processes

4.3.3. Language through learning: finding and understanding factual information in a text; predicting the meaning of new words from definitions heard

4.4. Culture

4.4.1. To know and understand the importance of the spacial race

4.4.2. To understand why is day and night

4.4.3. To explain how produce the four stations of the year

5. Didactic Aims

5.1. To introduce The Solar System and its planets and Sun

5.2. To help students understand the movements of the planets and the Earth. Why dawns and why it gets dark.

5.3. To help learners understand that learning can be achieved in a foreign language.

6. Level

6.1. 4th Graders

7. Learning outcomes

7.1. Be able to understand how the planets move around the Sun

7.2. Be able to name the different planets of the Solar System

7.3. Be able to order the planets from the nearer to the further position of the Sun.

8. Cross-curricular link

8.1. Arts & Crafts: model making

8.2. PE: dramatization of the planets' movement around the Sun

8.3. Music: The Dance of the planets' song

8.4. Mathematics: shapes, numbers, counting

9. Activities

9.1. Expositions, by groups, of a planet from the Solar System, and the Sun

9.2. Model-making of the Solar System

9.3. Trivia game

9.4. Look for riddles related with this topic