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JR's Mind Map by Mind Map: JR's Mind Map

1. Neurotransitters

1.1. Examples: dopamine, seratonin, GABA, acetylcholine, etc.

1.2. Function: inhibit or excite some kind of response when released. Allow communication between cells almost instantaneously.

2. The Nervous System

2.1. Function: transmission of signals throughout the body, connects the brain and spinal cord to muscles, and sensory receptors on the skin to allow for movement and sensations.

2.2. Organs/structures involved: brain, spinal cord, neurons, glial cells.

2.3. (Central Nervous System) CNS:the brain and spinal cord

2.4. Peripheral Nervous System (PNS): all the nerves, neurons and supporting neural cells that are located outside of the brain and spinal cord.

3. Cell body: contains the nucleus of the cell, aka the DNA/ organelles, etc.

4. Brain Lobes

4.1. Parietal, Frontal, Occipital, Frontal, Temporal, Cerebellum, Brain Stem

4.1.1. Parietal: sensory processing center, language, and mathamatics.

4.1.2. Cerebellum: voluntary movements, balance, coordination, relays information from the brain stem to the cortex and vice versa. Frontal: cognitive skills, emotional expression, judgement, "higher thinking"

4.1.3. Temporal: auditory processing center

4.1.4. Occipital: primary vision processing center

4.1.5. Brain Stem: involuntary procesess, swallowing, breathing, heart beating etc.

4.2. Axon: action potential (electrical impulse) travels along it, it is insulated by a protective coating called a myelin sheath that allows the impulse to travel without "shorting out".

5. The Neuron

5.1. Components: Dendrites, cell body, axon, neurotransmitter nodes.

5.2. Dendrites: recieve incoming messages

5.3. Nodes at the end of the neuron containing a unique neurotransmitter are stimulated and released to create either an inhibitory an excitatory response to another cell.