by Commanderblue jkoole
1. Some of my friends work in construction and I could get a job with them
2. My friends work at Summer hill winery and could get me a job there
3. My friends dad is expanding to a construction company and he could get me a job there
4. My Friends dad works at a lab dispensary and I could get a job there
5. My friends dad owns a few McDonald in the okanagan so i could work there
6. My dentist could help me get a dentist's assistant job
7. My teacher could recommend me for a job that I apply for
8. My Mom works as an accountant for interior testing and I could get a job there when i can drive
9. We have a family friend that is the general manager of the Harvest Golf club
10. My friend worked at Micheal brook and could help me get a job there
11. My friends Family owns a resturant so I could probably get a job with them
12. My Doctor could help me get into the science course at UBCO