The Inbounder 2018 (Day 1)
by Silviu Oprean

1. The Inbounder 2018 - ALBA VARGAS & DARYN SMITH Going Beyond Digital Marketing to Make Your Business Grow
1.1. Head of Scalability - We Are Marketing
1.2. Madrid, ES
2.1. Co-Founder and Managing Director at Ryte
2.2. Munich, DE
3. MELANIE DEZIEL TRUTHful Stories: The 5 Keys to Compelling Brand Content
3.1. Branded Content Consultant
3.2. Professor - Fairleigh Dickinson University
3.2.1. MA course in Content Marketing
3.3. NY/NJ, US
4. TALIA WOLF How to Create Experiences People Love to Convert With
4.1. Founder and Chief Optimizer - Getuplift
4.2. Tel Aviv, IS
5. The Inbounder 2018 - ALEYDA SOLÍS - SEO Project Management for Successful Processes
5.1. International SEO Consultant & Founder at Orainti
5.2. Madrid, ES
6. BAS VAN DEN BELD - Fake News: Why We Believe Them and Why They Are a Marketing Thing
6.1. Digital Marketing Coach, Speaker, Trainer Marketingcirkel
6.2. The Hague Area, NL
7. CINDY KRUM Mobile Search is The New Normal
7.1. Chief Executive Officer at MobileMoxie, LLC
7.2. Director of New Media Strategies
7.2.1. BM
7.3. Denver, US
8. JONO ALDERSON Digital Marketing is Dead: Survival Tips for What Comes Next
8.1. Digital strategist. Marketing technologist. Full stack developer. Futurologist.
8.2. York, UK
9. VALENTINA FALCINELLI Tone of Voice. A Ton of Tips
9.1. Founder, content designer & strategist
9.1.1. Pennamontata
9.2. Rome, IT
10. SAMANTHA NOBLE Paid Media Strategies to Target Customers Throughout the Marketing Funnel
10.1. Paid Media & Digital Marketing Consultant
10.2. London, UK
11. KRISTA SEIDEN - Measurement for Growth
11.1. Product Manager (past product marketing manager)
11.1.1. Google