Web 2.0 technologies - use in CBE KLA

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Web 2.0 technologies - use in CBE KLA por Mind Map: Web 2.0 technologies - use in CBE KLA

1. wikis

1.1. create a class web site / wiki for networking and reflection

1.2. Create a class wikipedia on key definitions. Add new definitions as they are learnt and at the end of the course the students will have a great resource for revision.

2. Google maps

2.1. Make a map of your target markets geographical location

2.2. map the location of your key competitors

3. RSS

3.1. Follow a business or economic blog feed using RSS

4. Google docs

4.1. use a google doc to collaborate with teams mates

5. Social bookmarking and media resource sharing

5.1. Delicious

5.1.1. Find 10 webpages or blogs relating to Economic issues - e.g. economic development and resource depletion etc.

6. blogs

6.1. create a network of key stakeholders

6.2. join local interest groups

6.3. keep track of emerging technology trends

7. podcasting

7.1. keep a learning journal of key aspects of what you have learnt and your reflections

7.2. subscribe to a economic / business podcast via iTunes or similar.

8. data mash ups

8.1. create multimodal advertising campaign

9. 3D learning environments

9.1. 2nd life

9.2. Quest atlantis

10. Google sites

10.1. create a web page for your business idea

10.2. create a wiki for your group assignment