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Immigration by Mind Map: Immigration

1. Guidelines

1.1. Anything goes!

1.2. No criticism or flaming allowed

1.3. The Wilder The Better

1.4. Quantity is Quality

1.5. Set a Time Limit

2. Effects

2.1. they have less opportunities

2.2. Some affects that occur is family seperated.

2.3. When being deported immigrants have nowhere to go.

2.4. they a low opportunites to jet a job because they need papers

3. Possible Solutions

3.1. A solution to this problem is take families to court to get papers.

3.2. a solution to this problem is to give mexicans the same opportunites

3.3. A solution is to not judge people about how they look and if they speack onother langauage.

3.4. One solution is to give immigrants the same rights.

4. Questions

4.1. How many mexicans get deported a year?

4.2. How many Mexicans have the education to be someone in life but cant continue there dreams?

4.3. How do people feel about immigration?

4.4. how people can come back but with papers after being deported

4.5. What happens to mexicans that didnt get deported?

5. problem

5.1. Mexicans deal with getting deported and thier families.

5.2. Mexicans deal with family being deported

5.3. Mexicans struggle with finding jobs in the U.S.

5.4. Mexicans deal with financial problems

6. Causes

6.1. deportation causes a major money problem

6.2. I think that the causes for deportation is mexicans without papers.

6.3. Immigration causes families to be scared of what they do and where they go.

6.4. The reason Mexicans struggle with financial because they have no job

7. key words

7.1. Daca

7.2. Dreamers

7.3. la migra

7.4. ice