1. (Claire) Descriptive writing entails many parts such as: Describing appearances of characters, describing settings, describing the emotions and thoughts of the characters involved.
1.1. (Claire) Descriptive Writing is different from the other text types such as expository or argumentative essays as it takes on a more narrative feel and is able to reach out to the reader in the sense that readers are invited to join in on the visual spectacle. In other words, descriptive writing is able to present the reader with visual images, while other text types do not.
1.1.1. New node
2. Group 1
2.1. Activity 2
2.1.1. 1.Descriptive writing is describing a character, scene or mood, and allows the reader to feel as if they are really at the scene or experiencing the thing being described.It can create mental pictures and emotional feelings.
2.1.2. 2.It entails precise and sensory description, a clear and logical structure and order, and effective similes and metaphors.
2.1.3. 3.Descriptive writing is all about describing throughout, and does not require narration or arguments.
2.1.4. (Nicole) 1. Descriptive writing describe what you see, hear, smell, taste and feel.
2.1.5. (Nicole) 2. Descriptive writing entails mental pictures, emotional feelings, precise vocabulary, metaphor, symbolism and irony.
2.1.6. (Nicole) 3. It does not narrate like a narrative but only describes in great detail.
2.1.7. Afrein: 1. Descriptive writing is to show the reader how something looks, sounds, smells, tastes or feels like without just stating it
2.1.8. Afrein: 2. It entails descriptive language involving the 5 senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste touch)
2.1.9. Afrein: 3. Descriptive writing simply describes and does not narrate a story
2.1.10. Micole: Descriptive writing, in my opinion is about writing in a way that involves the reader and enables him/her to mentally imagine and picture what is being described in the book, as if s/he is really there.
2.1.11. Micole: It entails punctilious vocabulary to accurately paint out settings etc in readers minds with perspicuity. It involves literary devices and feelings as well.
2.1.12. Micole: It is not a plain narrative nor an exposition, where facts and events are just thrown at the reader. It involves the reader and engulfs them with the language more than the other types of writing.
3. Group 2
3.1. [Shamini]: Descriptive writing is when one refers to matters of observation or experience. It would consist of many adjectives to elaborate on an object, setting or character.
3.2. [Shamini]: What does it entail? It involves much time, as one needs to think how and object could be described as detail as possible to help readers get a clearer picture of it but at the same time maintain its reality.
3.3. [Shamini]: How is it different from other text types (e.g. expositions, formal letters) you have learnt? Descriptive texts are more interesting to read as they allow readers to get to imagine how the object would look like compared to other texts where readers just digest the content.
3.4. [Amanda]: Descriptive writing is a method of writing in which one explains the scene through the use of the different senses, so that the reader feels like he or she is in the story.
3.5. [Amanda]: Descriptive writing entails the use of writing through the five senses, exploring the emotions of characters, as well as tapping into the right vocabulary.
3.6. [Amanda]:Descriptive writing is different from other forms of writing as it enables the reader to feel like he or she is witnessing/experiencing the incident from the viewpoint of the writer.
3.7. [Stacy]: Descriptive writing is very detailed, mentioning the surroundings precisely so that the readers may experience the story with full-colour and imagination.
3.8. [Stacy]: Descriptive writing is different as it does not follow a certain format and does not address a particular person, but is something that many are allowed to read and enjoy.
3.9. [Stacy]: Descriptive writing entails the use of imagination, the five senses and tone of voice.
3.10. [Emily] Descriptive writing is writing in depth about each and every detail. It uses a lot of adjectives to elaborate on a person's character or the person's physical appearance or place and setting.
3.11. [Emily] Descriptive writing entails many parts such as: appearances of characters, settings, emotions and thoughts of characters involved in the story.It helps readers imagine what is happening in greater detail.
3.12. [Emily] Descriptive writing is different from other forms of writing as it touches more on the details of the story rather than narrating it.
3.12.1. Activity 2 [Emily] From the PDF document, descriptive writing 1. Puts into place/based on the five senses. 2. Makes use of many similies 3. The aim of descriptive writing is to make your readers feel as how the author felt like while writing it.
3.12.2. Activity3 [Emily]Heavy usage of descriptive words and phrases are used. These descriptive words and phrases describes how the scene was dressed and also the different angles of the cameras.Descriptive writing also involves the needs of analysing certain things.For example, in the artical, they mentioned that Cruise and Nicholson invaded each other's personal space just to provoke the other party
4. New node
5. (Claire) In my opinion, descriptive writing is basically describing different aspects of a story. The purpose of it is to give the reader a visual presentation of the particular scene, in order to make the story 'come to life' and engage the reader to want to continue reading.
6. 2. what does it entail? It must make the reader be able to grasp what the character is feeling, tasting, etc. this is done through the description of the character's feelings. And the use of good vocabulary to describe other things like the setting .
7. 1. What in your opinion is Descriptive Writing? - A form of text used to describe anything. It uses alot of adjectives and adverbs, and must make the person or the object it is describing more lively and interesting so as to maintain the interest of the reader.
7.1. 2. What does it entail? It involves alot of thought so that the subject is made more interesting and life-like. Alot of common knowledge must also be put into place so that the descriptions do not stray too far from the subject in real life and a clearer picture can be made to the reader.
7.1.1. How is it different from other text types (e.g. expositions, formal letters) you have learnt? Descriptive texts are more lively and create a very clear picture of the subject from its appearance to its function or behaviour. It also tells less stories than a narrative, even if a story in incorporated, the story would be there to tell the reader more about the subject. The subject is the main idea of a descriptive essay whereas a conflict, problem or request is the main idea of other forms of texts.
8. Group 4
8.1. Activity 1
8.1.1. (joy)in my opinion, i think descriptive writing is describing certain things in a story. this may also include feelings of a person. (joy) descriptive writing helps to enhance reader's emotions when reading it and it adds spice to the story. It makes the story more imaginative and more interesting.
8.2. Activity 2
8.2.1. (Claire) 1. Besides providing the reader with mental pictures, description must also bring across the emotional feelings to 'touch' the reader. (Claire) 2. The whole idea of description is to show the reader what the scene is like, which is always more engaging and effective than mere telling. (Claire) 3. Description can be at a deeper level instead of just having a surface meaning - an underlying message can be subtly embedded in your story, this is called a controlling idea.
8.2.2. (Amy) In my opinion, descriptive writing is something that appeals to the physical and emotional sensibilities of the readers. Through descriptive writing, you also want to reveal the characteristics of a certain object, place or person. (Amy) It includes the depiction of a place, a person, a oet, an object, an experience or a memory. It must also have the ability to entice the readers to read your essay until the end. (Amy) Descriptive writing focuses more on the 5 senses which are smell, touch, sight, sound and taste, therefore providing more specific and vivid details which will draw the readers in.
8.2.3. (Amy) Also the aim of descriptive writing is to make your readers feel as how the author felt like while writing it. (Amy) Choose precise vocabulary to make your more interesting and use vivid similes and metaphors to create a more detailed image in the reader's head (Amy) Effective description will help lead the readers in one important direction towards a single purpose which is to discover the underlying message of the whole story.
8.2.4. (joy) I feel that descriptive writing would enhance reader's emotions when reading it and it adds spice to the story. It makes the story more imaginative and more interesting. (joy) choosing the right words and using strong words would enhance reader's imagination and it would make the story alive. (joy) and also, i think that descriptive writing must include having adverbs and verbs. this is would also enhance reader's imagination adn make the story alive.
8.3. Activity 3
8.3.1. (Claire) The article written is very splendid and detailed. Everything is described, and then promptly analysed to show how it increases the visual impact. For example, the writers observed that the defendants' side of the room is brighter due to a window present there, while the prosecutor's side of the room is darker. They then proceeded to explain that this signifies the 'good' of the defendants. Describing such subtle details help the reader to envision the scene for himself/herself.
8.3.2. (Amy) The article is covered with descriptive words and phrases from head to toe. It describes how the characters in the scene were dressed, how the camera was angled and what their action signifies. Example, the article mentioned that Cruise and Nicholson tried invaded each other's personal space to intimidate the other person. To me this shows that descriptive writing also involves the need to analyse certain things.
9. Group 5
9.1. Audrey
9.1.1. From the PDF Document, I have gained more knowledge of the fact that descriptive writing... Puts into place/based on the five senses. Similes and Metaphors are used. Description is never used for its own sake. Normally incorporated into a story by professional writers. Writer should not be physically in the scene of a descriptive text. Image of subject should be etched into the minds of readers.
9.1.2. Activity 3 The setting was described with the help of thorough description of the furniture. Description of the activity taking place. And the people that are involved (what they wear, their code of conduct, how they are being addressed.) And also the main characters. Description of the sounds heard (talking, shouting, music)
10. Group 6
10.1. Activity 1
10.1.1. [Asyiqin]1. it uses a lot of descriptive words and requires a high command of language. 2. involves the use of adjectives, observation and senses. 3. It focuses more on the scene, letting the reader imagine the scene with the command of words.
10.1.2. [Erna] 1. uses a lot of adjectives/descriptive words in the text 2. involves adjectives, use of observation/imagination & senses 3. it describes the situation, allows readers to imagine the scene
10.1.3. [Uma] 1. A form of writing that focuses more on describing the characters/setting than narrating it. 2. It involves the use of a lot of adjectives and descriptive phrases. 3. Descriptive writing focuses less on narrating the story. It is also non-argumentative and focuses on a situation in the story where a lot of description is involved.
10.1.4. [KaiLeng] 1. Using a wide vocabulary to describe an object, scene, person, situation etc. 2. It involves using the five senses, sight, smell, hearing, touch, taste as well as emotions to emphasize what the narrator is experiencing in great detail. 3. It focuses on in depth study of the situation, not so much of the storyline
10.1.5. [Amy] 1. A composition that uses many descriptive words to appropriately describe a person, object, places or events. 2. Descriptive writing is related to our 5 senses, and uses many descriptive words or phrases. 3. It is usually not dry, or serious, and is more of a very detailed story that is very engaging with the reader.
10.2. Activity 2
10.2.1. [Erna] 1. Descriptive writing expresses a person's feelings/emotions, what they feel, hear and see in the text 2. does not only contains adjectives or adverbs, it may consists of precise vocabularies to help describe the subject in greater detail 3. Descriptive writing is different from other types of text as it focuses more on the situation and subject. It works like a camera and slowly zoom into the little parts in the picture. With description of the small features, the text makes up a whole big picture, allowing the reader to imagine and 'follow' the situation
10.2.2. [Asyiqin]1. Descriptive writing expresses what the character is experiencing in the story through the use of words. 2. It contains a variety of types of words which include adjectives, adverbs and etc to help describe the character in further detail. 3. It is different as it focuses more on the character. There is a detailed description of what the character looks like, wears, is feeling and etc.
10.2.3. [Uma] A descriptive writing piece should target to develop a certain emotion in the reader's mind. It should also enable the reader to get a clear picture of what is happening in their mind. Descriptive writing can be enhanced by using effective (but not excess) similes, metaphors, symbols, vocabulary. Descriptive writing should also be in 2nd or 3rd person.
10.2.4. [KaiLeng}1.Descriptive writing allows the reader to immerse themselves in the story as though they are physically there. 2. It consists of precise vocabulary, not using adjectives in excess but weaving a situation with a variety of words. 3. It involves the description of a scene and situation, not the story.
10.2.5. [Amy] 1. Descriptive writing brings across the feelings of the author and creates a scene for the reader, and is a very engaging piece of writing. 2. The language and style used should engage our 5 senses, by using appropriate descriptive styles like similies, metaphors,personification and so on. 3. It focuses more on the character, or the mood of the scene.
10.3. Activity 3
10.3.1. [Uma] The description describes the emotion shown on the characters' faces. There is a detailed description of what the characters are wearing, their body actions, and a thorough description of the camera's angles/views/and zooms.
10.3.2. [Erna] The article gave a very good description of what had happened in the video. It started form a big picture, that is the court room. The description of the room was very detailed as even the little details from the room was stated. The purpose of the objects found in the room was described (eg historical frame) and allows the reader to have a better understanding of the situation. Then, the writer moves (and zoom) on to describing the defending lawyer and witness. With the correct and precise choice of word, readers are able to picture the scene in their mind. The writer also focuses the scene to the other lawyers and people in the room which further enhances the feelings of the reader.
10.3.3. [KaiLeng} The description is vivid, covering everything from their attire, expressions, manner, the background, atmosphere and an analysis of those. Each person has a very specific character, even the reason the actors were chosen for the role was described. The mutual intimidation was remarked upon, and so was the sudden shock of the lawyers and defendants when the witness confessed. There is also a feel of the general mood, solemn without music and the description highlights the significance of their behavior and affects the reader.
10.3.4. [Amy] The description is very detailed, and creates a vivid and clear picture of the scene even without the video. It starts from the overall setting, the courtroom, before starting to zoom in on each character. The words used weave out a clear picture of the scene or the character and the feelings involved. It also notes the camera angles, which help to enhance and sharpen the image already brought to mind.
11. Group 7
11.1. Activity 1:
11.1.1. 1. Descriptive writing is to describe a person, place or object which creates an visual image in the reader's head, which makes a lasting impression on the reader. [zhixin] 2. The writer needs to have a good command of the English Language especially a wide range of vocabulary to be able to describe the person, place or object as vividly as possible to leave a lasting impression on the reader. [zhixin] 3. Descriptive writing is a more personal form of writing as everyone have different writing styles and the way people describe people, places, objects,etc are different and there are no definite form or structure unlike expository or formal letter writing. [zhixin]
11.1.2. 1. It is a about describing a particular object by using good language about what the five senses perceive, and better if relating to readers. [Rachel] 2. It entails a main object for readers to focus on, good creativity to describe the object, and a good usage of language to be able to describe the object precisely, to form a picture on readers’ minds. [Rachel] 3. It does not have a function nor a story. It focuses and describes only the object that it is all about.
11.1.3. 1. Descriptive writing is making use of words to describe a certain person, object or place. It gives a it vivid and original imagery, which makes it seem as though it were real, to create a heavier and more impactful impression on the reader [Viency] 2.It entails many different aspects of the english language, which requires the writer to have a good and wide range of vocabulary in order for them to be able to create a better and more realistic picture of whatever that needs to be depicted. Good manipulation and usage of words and language is also very important. [Viency] 3.Descriptive writing, as its name is, is descriptive. It is meant to describe, not write a story. The main basis of a descriptive is that it has to be descriptive. It it not meant to be written like a narrative, or an expository essay. [Viency]
11.1.4. 1. Descriptive writing is a form of writing whereby expressive words are used to further illustrate the feelings/settings/appearance of the characters/surroundings to create a more specific atmosphere for the reader. [Stef] 2. It involves a strong library of vocabulary and phrases/quotes which can be inputted into the essay. Not only so, it requires the writer to have a vivid imagination as that is the main 'powerhouse' which keeps the essay interesting. [Stef] 3. As compared to other forms of essay writing, descriptive essays puts a larger focus on the way things are being described and put into words. Also, it creates room for suspense as the reader does not know what to expect while reading the story, whereas as compared to expository or formal letters, there's a restriction in the imagination of the path the story is going to take. [Stef]
11.2. Activity 2
11.2.1. I've found out about the 6 steps to a successful descriptive writing, they are: Read the question with thought and care, avoid storytelling and the present, describe only what is relevant to helping develop your underlying message, and put your reader into the right frame of mind to become involved in your writing. [faith]
11.2.2. I learnt that a good description involves using similes or metaphors to describe what the 5 senses experience "live", writing on a particular theme. I also discovered a few tips on descriptive writing, which are mainly to use precise and sensory description, to avoid storytelling, and write only about the past and not the present in order to be clear of the tenses usage. [Rachel]
11.2.3. I found out that description isn't just a simple use of words, but rather it involves everything that you use, the 5 senses is an extremely important aspect in description writing, the 6 steps was also very important to ensure that descriptive writing remained descriptive, and not turning ti into a story, and how it could be better written into a more vivid and realistic piece of work. [Viency]
11.3. Activity 3:
11.3.1. They made use of word p[lay to make their simple speech full of emotion, where you could actually imagine the things they were going through. Word use was simple, but the way everything was used and put into play by the actors made the words seem more impactful. They were able to create a picture where things were not as they seem on the outside but rather there was something an unknown secret behind everything that had happened. It draws the audience and creates an atmosphere of mystery. [Viency]
11.3.2. This picture shows that admist the scenic view of the horizon separating clearly the skies of numerous clouds and the vast, never-ending sea, a bustling city is in it. The city s full of life as I see miniature cars moving around, together with skyscrapers, joining them up to form a lively city. This evokes a feeling of fun and excitement, similar to the ones I would have when going to a funfair or theme park. Overall, the picture is interesting and also picturesque as the camera focuses on the cheerful and bustling city amidst the beautiful vast sea and the mesmerizing sky with clouds each of unique shapes. [Rachel]