SOM Website 2011

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SOM Website 2011 von Mind Map: SOM Website 2011

1. Content up to Date

1.1. Collaboration

1.1.1. Calendar

1.1.2. Easy for Content Creators

1.1.3. Connecting People

1.2. Useful

1.3. Authoritative

1.4. Informative

1.5. Practical

2. User Driven

2.1. Other People Contributing Content

2.1.1. Design

2.1.2. Code

2.1.3. Open API

2.2. Play

2.3. Personalized

2.3.1. Customized

2.3.2. CMS

3. Web X.O.

3.1. Social Bookmarking

3.2. Up to Date

3.3. Interactive

4. Good Search Engine

5. Diversity

6. Consistent Brand

6.1. Leading Medical School

7. Integrated with UCSF

7.1. Shared Content

8. Easy to Navigate

9. Compelling

9.1. Focus on People

9.2. Online Discussions

9.3. Shared "Viral"

9.3.1. Feed Submissions

10. Accessible

10.1. Code

10.2. Search Engine Optimization

10.2.1. Microformats

10.3. Content

10.4. Audience Focus

11. Sustainable Model

11.1. Funding