1. storage arrangements
1.1. Dictionary arrangement of record/encyclopedic storage arrangements
1.1.1. 1. lettered guide plan
1.1.2. 2. location name guide plan 1. lettered guide plan
2. guide plans
2.1. 1. lettered guide plan
2.1.1. an arrangement of geographic records with primary guides labeled with alphabetic orders
2.2. 2. location name guide plan
2.2.1. an arrangement of geographic records with primary guides labeled iwth location naems
3. geographic file index
3.1. an index systematically guides to specific item contained within a larger body of info.
3.2. may be in form of:
3.2.1. type list
3.2.2. card file
3.2.3. computer generated list
3.3. info. inn the index must include
3.3.1. correspondent's name
3.3.2. state name
3.3.3. city name
3.4. following manner should be use:
3.4.1. before filing a record refer to the alphabetic index to see if the name of he correspondent is in the index later when the volume of correspondence is sufficient for a particular correspondent move all records for the correspondent from the general folder to an individual folder
4. geographic filing procedures
4.1. inspecting
4.1.1. inspect each incoming letter to be sure it has been released for filing
4.1.2. check each paper to see that it has been dated
4.1.3. if no date appears, write or stamp the current date
4.2. coding
4.2.1. mark the locations clearly
4.2.2. circle geographic units in the nae and number them to show their rank in indexing order
4.2.3. index the correspondent's name according to the alphabetic indexing rules
4.2.4. use diagonal lines to separate the filing units and number them to show their indexing order
4.3. preparing cross reference
4.3.1. code the original doc. and use one of the following: cross reference sheet photocopies cross reference notation on guide or folder labels
4.4. sorting
4.4.1. sort letters and other record by geographic units starting with the major geo. unit continuing all units of correspondence
4.5. filing
4.5.1. locate folder location by making use of labeles and guides as follows read the drawer labels to find the file drawer covering the geo. range for the rec. scan the primary guides in the drawer that will point to the key unit of the filing segment scan the secondary guides
5. Advantages & Disadvantages of Geographic Filing
5.1. Advantages
5.1.1. ability to group business activities by location
5.1.2. operation relating to a specific location are filed together
5.1.3. easily accomplished by moving an entire group form one file location to another
5.2. Disadvantages
5.2.1. need time to prepare and maintain it
5.2.2. user must know the geo. location or an index must be created
5.2.3. guide and folder arrangements for some large systems are complex
6. need for geographic filing
6.1. method for retrieving records in alphabetical order by location of an individual, an organization or a project
6.2. example:
6.2.1. political group, social clubs etc.
6.3. Other exp. of Activities that Require Decisions Based on Location
6.3.1. -Scientific research
6.3.2. Oil and gas exploration
6.3.3. Facliity management
7. geographic filing method
7.1. tailored to fit the need of the org.
7.2. the filing segment includes geographic filing unit first and followed by the correspondents name
7.3. arrange from major to minor
7.4. order
7.4.1. 1. country name
7.4.2. 2. state name/state equivalent such as province
7.4.3. 3. city name
7.4.4. 4. correspondent's name
7.5. Dictionary Arrangement
7.5.1. alphabetic order from (A-Z)
7.5.2. used when filing system contain a single geographic unit such as a file of all street. all cites, all states, or all country
7.5.3. using 2 different guide plans 1. lettered guide plan 2. location name guide plan
7.6. Encyclopedic Arrangement
7.6.1. alphabetic arrangenment of major geographic division plus one or more subdivision
7.6.2. either 1. lettered guide plan 2. location name guide plan
8. master index
8.1. complete listing of all filing segments in the filing system
8.2. advantages of computer database are apparent:s
8.2.1. two useful indexes can be printed from a single input of records
8.2.2. folder labels and mailing labels can be prepared as well from the same stored data
9. expansion of the Geographic File
9.1. when to expand
9.1.1. changes occurs as the continuation of business transaction over the year
9.1.2. the first indication of a need in a system is an increase int the volume of incoming and outgoing rec. processed f filing
9.1.3. an overcrowded folder
9.2. how to expand
9.2.1. add new general city folders to the system
9.2.2. remove the blocks of the records from the crowded general state folders
9.2.3. refile them in the new general city folders