marketing channels and supply chain management

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marketing channels and supply chain management by Mind Map: marketing channels and supply chain management

1. 6) logistic and supply chain

1.1. radio frequency identification

1.1.1. technology that uses a tiny chip with identification information that can be read by scanner using radio waves from a distance

1.2. enterprise esource planning

1.2.1. software system that consolidates data from among a firm's various business units

1.3. logistic cost control

1.3.1. third-party logistic firms specialize in handling logistic activity

2. 7) physical distribution

2.1. 1) customer service 2) transportation 3) inventory control 4) protective packaging and material handling 5) order processing 6 )warehousing

2.2. problem of suboptimization

2.2.1. results when manager of individual physical distribution functions attempt to minimize cost , but the impact of one task on the others leads to less than optimal results

2.3. customer-service stndards

2.3.1. states the goals and define acceptable performance for the quality of service that a firm expects to deliver to its customers

2.4. transportation

2.4.1. classes of carriers common carriers contract carriers private carriers

2.4.2. major transportation modes railroads motor carriers water carriers pipelines air freight

2.4.3. freight forwarders and supplement chain act as transportation intermediaries that consolidate shipments to gain lower rates for their customers

2.4.4. intermodal coordination piggyback birdyback service fishyback service

2.5. warehouisng

2.5.1. automated warehouse technology cut distribution costs and improve customer service

2.5.2. warehouse locations warehousing and materials delivery costs from warehouses to cutomers

2.6. inventory control systems

2.6.1. companies must maintaining enough inventory to meet customer demand with incurring unneeded costs for carrying excess inventory

2.7. order processing

2.7.1. directly affects firm's ability to meet customer service standards

2.8. protective packaging and material handling

2.8.1. activities for moving products within plants , warehouse and transportation terminals

3. 1)the role of marketing channels in marketing strategy

3.1. function of marketing channels

3.1.1. facilitating the exchange process

3.1.2. adjusting for discrepancies

3.1.3. standardizing exchange transaction

3.1.4. facilitating searches by both buyers and sellers

4. 2)types of marketing channels

4.1. direct selling

4.2. channels using marketing intermediaries

4.2.1. producer to wholesaler to retailer to consumer

4.2.2. producer to wholesaler to business user

4.2.3. producer to agent to wholesaler to retailer to consumer

4.2.4. producer to aent to wholealer to business user

4.2.5. producer to agent to business user

4.3. dual distibution

4.4. reverse channels

5. 3) channel strategy decision

5.1. selection of a marketing channel

5.1.1. market factor

5.1.2. product factor

5.1.3. organizational and competitive factor

5.2. determining distribution intensity

5.2.1. intensive distribution

5.2.2. selective distribution

5.2.3. exclusive distribution legal problem exclusive dealing agreement closed sales territories tying agreements

5.3. who should perform channel function ?

5.3.1. a member of the channel must perform certain central marketing functions

6. 4) channel management and leadership

6.1. channel conflict

6.1.1. horizontal conflict

6.1.2. vertical conflict

6.1.3. the gray market

6.2. achieving channel cooperation

6.2.1. channel captain should provide this leadership

7. 5) vertical marketing systems

7.1. corporate systems

7.1.1. a single owner operates the entire marketing channel

7.2. administered systems

7.2.1. a dominant channel member exercise power to achieve channel coordination

7.3. contractual systems

7.3.1. coordinate channel activities through formal agreements among channel members wholesaler-sponsored voluntary chain a wholesaler has formal agreement with retailer to use a common name and to produce the wholesaler's goods retailer cooperative retailers establish a shared wholesaling operation franchise a wholesaler or dealer agrees to meet the operating requirements of manufacturer or other franchisor