Home Services Locator

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Home Services Locator by Mind Map: Home Services Locator

1. Time planning

1.1. Weekly meeting with Sridhar

1.2. Daily standup

1.3. Expect demos in late July

1.4. End date August 3rd

1.5. Expected intern out days ??

1.6. Store work day

1.6.1. find store mentor dates

2. Tools & Vendors

2.1. Slack

2.2. Pivotal Tracker: Home Services Integration

2.3. GitHub

2.4. HockeyApp

2.5. Apple Developers account

2.6. Sketch and Azure (?)

3. Amorphous goals (To Be Refined)

3.1. Hello World

3.1.1. Web

3.1.2. Android

3.1.3. iOS

4. Software

4.1. platform selection: Ionic

5. Hardware

5.1. USB-C Dongles for external video

5.2. USB-C to Lightning cables

5.3. USB-C to mini or USB to mini

5.4. Android devices

5.5. iOS Devices

5.6. Send hardware list to Jereme

6. MVP What is it?

6.1. Activity: Storytelling with PostIts

6.1.1. Consumer side

6.1.2. Service provider side

6.2. Push Notifications

6.3. Logging for metrics