The Test New Vocab
by Carl Scurr
1. it means a builder that builds with mud to makes the stone stay
2. My own words
3. Scrolls- Is an olden day thing of paper, and sometimes used to announce something special like a ball. Emily
3.1. Emblazoned- (often be emblazoned) conspicuously inscribe or display (a design) on something : T-shirts emblazoned with the names of baseball teams. Emily
4. Collective Action Mr Scurr
4.1. An action done by a group - sometimes this is a protest - whwn a group of p[eople get togethr and dcide to achieve something, for example if you wanted to win a game of hockey, your team works together as a collective ( a cllectition of effort) to play well
4.2. Dictionary definition
4.2.1. adjective done by people acting as a group : a collective protest. • belonging or relating to all the members of a group : ministers who share collective responsibility. • (esp. of feelings or memories) common to the members of a group : a collective sigh of relief from parents.
5. apprenticeships Means like a person who is learning a trade from a skilled employer having agreed to follow and learn from the higher person
6. adudicator
6.1. dictionary def
6.1.1. make a formal judgment or decision about a problem or disputed matter : the committee adjudicates on all betting disputes | [ trans. ] the case was adjudicated in the Supreme Court. • act as a judge in a competition : we asked him to adjudicate at the local flower show. • [ trans. ] pronounce or declare judicially : he was adjudicated bankrupt.