Email Commerce

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Email Commerce by Mind Map: Email Commerce

1. Types of Email Marketing

1.1. Transactional emails: these are emails that update the customer on a product or service they had just bought. These emails usually contain a confirmation of order or update on shipping.

1.2. Newsletter Emails: these are emails that are sent out in order to keep customers informed. Out of all the emails sent out, these emails ensure a customer to brand relationship.

2. Creating Content for Email Marketing

2.1. Succesful email campaigns usually have a few of the following: humor, research, information and promotions.

2.2. Be sure to include HTML emails that contain images. different fonts, and hyperlinks. This makes the content more enjoyable to look at for a customer and hopefully will drive more sales.

3. Deployment of Emails

3.1. When the brand has created valuable content, it is important to establish routine of sent out emails. Consistency in deploying newsletters also aids in trust and fulfilling brand expectation.

3.2. Email reputation can determine if that email goes into the trash or spam. Most lists shrink by 15% each year due to subscribers changing email addresses. To avoid this, make sure that the subscriber list is regularly updated.

4. Spam vs. Email

4.1. Spam is unsolicited bulk emails, meaning the recipient never gave permission to be sent those emails.

4.2. If the recipient has given permission to be sent marketing messages, then it is an email and not a spam message.

5. CRM: Customer Relationship Management

5.1. this is an email marketing tool. Email marketing is a form of direct marketing that utilizes electronic means to deliver commercial messages to an audience. It is one of the oldest and still one of the most powerful internet marketing tactics.

5.2. Email marketing is practical because it is extremely cost effective, highly targeted, the ability to customize in large scales and can be monitored/ measurable.

5.3. Email marketing allows companies to build relationships with loyal and potential customers.

6. Types of Commercial Based Emails

6.1. Promotional Emails: these emails are described as direct and and mostly used to entice a customer into buying a service or product.

6.2. Retention Based Emails: (another name for newsletters) which are geared at getting the customer to remember the brand and build a customer to brand relationship.

7. Email Reputation

7.1. to help a reputation score, respond to complaints and unsubscribe requests.

7.2. Strive to increase your database of subscribers, but do not forget to clean up the database from old users and old content.