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Science by Mind Map: Science

1. Physics

1.1. Speed

1.2. Velocity

1.3. Distance

1.4. Car ballon challenge

1.5. Mass

1.6. Inertia

2. Chemistry

2.1. Ionic Bond

2.2. Covalent Bond

2.3. Periodic table

2.4. Combining the atoms together

2.4.1. Single Displacement

2.4.2. Double Displacement

3. Biology

3.1. Tissue

3.1.1. Muscle tissue

3.1.2. Epithelium Tissue

3.1.3. Nervous tissue

3.1.4. Connective tissue

3.2. Muscle System

3.2.1. Smooth

3.2.2. Cardiac

3.2.3. Skeletal

3.3. Cell

3.4. Skin

3.4.1. Epidermis

3.4.2. Dermis

3.4.3. Hypodermis