1. Western civilizations read from right to left, this process has allowed for use as a nation to assume written works to flow in a certain way and when they don't happen to occur that way we take offense and understand this as weird. With the learning from this chapter I hope to make it clear to people that there are other ways to read information and flow isn't subject to one specific formation. CH7
2. Rhetorical Knowledge
2.1. •Identify, articulate, and focus on a defined purpose
2.1.1. Repetition when worked in conjunction with other elements of design can have a truly beneficial boost to anyone's work. Ch 6
2.2. •Respond to the need of the appropriate audience
2.2.1. You could have the best idea out on the market right now with the best message, however if it reaches the wrong audience it may slip and fall through the cracks. The more one can know about you audience the better one can figure out how to approach them. CH1
2.3. •Respond appropriately to different rhetorical situations
2.4. •Use conventions of format and structure appropriate to the rhetorical situation
2.4.1. With this upcoming project this rule is really going to play an important role and how effectively it is executed depends on how I decide to approach the instructions. I will try to be commanding. CH2
2.5. •Adopt appropriate voice, tone, and level of formality
2.6. •Understand how each genre helps to shape writing and how readers respond to it
2.6.1. Emphasis allows writers and designers the ability to jump to the point, it also allows them to grab a readers attention, I believe this to be effective in understanding how this genre benefits writing. CH2
2.6.2. Alignment is far more important than I figured in the past. I had not realized that there were so many ways to align a page. I mean I knew about Flush Right and Flush Left and Justified but I did not realize one could make animals out of words. I thought that was awesome. CH5
2.7. •Write in multiple genres
2.8. •Understand the role of a variety of technologies/media in accessing, retrieving, managing, and communicating information
2.8.1. Copyright can be used in every form of publication, one must realize that they can only copy the form of the owners idea and not the actual idea itself. Apparently that limits the power of the idea.Ch7 copy right
2.8.2. At first it use to take 14 years for a copy right on a object to expire. However, now it a lifetime plus seventy years for individuals and one-hundred years for a company, Ch7-copyright
2.9. •Use appropriate technologies to organize, present, and communicate information to address a range of audiences, purposes, and genres
2.9.1. I did not know the way a picture was turned could effect the way how fast someone could read a page. That's just completely insane, but cool. CH7
3. Critical Thinking, Reading and Writing
3.1. •Use information, writing, and reading for inquiry, learning, thinking, and communicating
3.1.1. Contrast may seem like it doesn't belong on this node but it does. The information I learned from chapter 3 will allow me to better format my work so that my readers or boss or employees willl better interpret my meanings. Chapter 3
3.2. •Integrate previously held beliefs, assumptions, and knowledge with new information and the ideas of others to accomplish a specific purpose within a context
3.2.1. Well I took GIT 135 last year and the importance of style, balance, repitition is still fresh in my mind so when it was brought up in the introduction chapter some of the key concepts were still fresh in my mind. Such as having balance is important, before I started to include notes this page was in pretty good balance. CH1
3.2.2. Never thought of actually testing instructions after writing them that's something new to me. (Instructions)
3.2.3. Working as a career peer we try to stress the importance of repetition in resume writing. This chapter helped solidify as well as allowed me to gain more information behind the power of repetiton CH 6
4. Processes
4.1. •Be aware that it usually takes multiple drafts to create and complete a successful text
4.1.1. Do not get discouraged if the first attempt is not what you are looking for. A design process is a process and may actually take a while. CH1
4.2. •Develop flexible strategies for generating, revising, editing, and proof-reading
4.2.1. A way to develop new information is to look on the work of others. In this chapter we talked a lot about copyright and the laws behind it. One thing that really stuck out was the the use of a copy written piece of work without the permission of the owner is a federal crime and can be seriously dangerous. In order to use someone's work permission is need and sometimes money is also needed. CH 7-Copyright
4.3. •Understand the collaborative and social aspects of research and writing processes
4.4. •Use appropriate technologies to manage data and information collected or generated for future use
4.4.1. Alignment is an appropriate technologies to generating information in a simplistic and informational form. Good alignment makes it possible to easily access future information because the text if aligned properly can be read easily for future purposes. CH 5
5. Knowledge of Conventions
5.1. •Learn common formats for different genres
5.2. •Develop knowledge of genre conventions ranging from structure and paragraphing to tone and mechanics
5.2.1. Developing a knowledge of balance allows for me to better understand this point. Balance is crucial and I had not realized that it could have such an affect on the mechanics and way readers will read a published work.
5.3. •Understand and apply legal and ethical uses of information and technology including copyright and intellectual property
6. Personal Goals
6.1. Learn how to make a gif
6.2. Become more comfortable with video blogs
6.2.1. My project from the first module allowed me to become more comfortable with this process. I used the application Jing in order to make the video which was user friendly and quite simple to use. To publish it however was a bit hard. CH7
6.3. Get more aquainted with blogs
6.3.1. Chapter three I am much more comfortable with my blog and am able to better explain myself over these assignments. The more assignments that I do the better I feel about the work that I am producing. Chapter 3
6.4. Learn more about the resources that technology now gives us in this new age of writing.
6.4.1. Make your instructions as simple as possible(Instructions)