COMENIUS PROJECT 2011-2013: Sowing the seeds of The Future

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COMENIUS PROJECT 2011-2013: Sowing the seeds of The Future by Mind Map: COMENIUS PROJECT 2011-2013: Sowing the seeds of The Future


1.1. Slovenia

1.2. Hungary

1.3. Ireland

1.4. France

1.5. Germany

1.6. Poland

2. Communication methods:

2.1. Email

2.1.1. New node

2.2. Skype

2.3. Blog

2.4. School websites

2.5. Video clips

2.6. Telephone

2.7. Visits to partner schools

3. New node

4. Curricular areas covered by project:

4.1. Language

4.1.1. Writing

4.1.2. Reading

4.2. IT

4.2.1. Using digital cameras

4.2.2. Emailing

4.2.3. 'Skyping'

4.2.4. Recording a DVD & CD

4.3. Drama

4.3.1. Dramatising a traditional story

4.4. Science

4.4.1. Growing things

4.4.2. Weather observation & recording

4.5. Geography

4.5.1. Learning about physical & political geography the partner countries

4.6. History

4.6.1. Learning the history of the partner countries

4.7. Visual arts

4.7.1. Designing & making a project mascot

4.7.2. Sharing trditional crafts with partner schools

4.8. Music

4.8.1. Sharing traditional music/songs with partners

4.9. Physical education

4.9.1. Sharing traditional dances with partner schools