CLIL-Content and Language Integrated Learning

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CLIL-Content and Language Integrated Learning by Mind Map: CLIL-Content and Language Integrated Learning

1. CLIL contexts

2. Communication

3. Exposure

4. Functional language

5. Glossary

6. Hard CLIL

7. L1/L2

8. Language demands analysis

9. Language showers

10. Language-led CLIL: Soft CLIL

11. Learners

12. Soft CLIL

13. Subject-led CLIL

14. Target language

15. information

16. activity

17. Read

18. journey

19. vocabulary

20. network

21. images

22. programme

23. human

24. bilingual

25. CALP-Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency

26. 'Can do' statements

27. Cognitive skills

28. Content -Language Ratio

29. Culture

30. L1 transfer

31. L1 use

32. Monolingual

33. Partial immersion

34. Plurilingual

35. The 4Cs

36. Trans-languaging

37. Use of L1

38. language

39. students

40. teaching

41. teacher

42. English

43. Listening

44. lessons

45. words

46. article

47. use

48. debate

49. live