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1. The past perfect tense is also known as pluperfect.

2. It describes an event/action that was completed in the past before something else happened.

3. It is formed with had + past participle of the verb.

4. You can past perfect to talk about actions that happened before a past event.

5. The pluperfect is used to express that an action was completed before another action or state in the past. Many times expressions like already, before, never, still and after are used to emphasize that one action occurred before another in the past.

6. You can use past perfect in inconditional statements.

7. You can use past perfect in the form of a question.

8. The perfect past is a verb tense that refers to a fact or action that occurred in a time prior to another action.

9. Afirmativa= S+had+Vpp+C Negativa= S+hadn't+Vpp+C Interrogativa= Had+S+Vpp+C?

10. Examples : Had you been there before? Had you planned to come to the party? Had they announced the winner before you arrived?

11. Example: Our friends wish they had waited longer for us to arrive. She would have studied if she had heard about the test.

12. Examples The team had praticed all day yesterday. Our friends had already gone to see that movie. I had not slept well all week.

13. Examples: Had Laughed Had Played Had Seen My brother said that he had finished his homework before I got home. We had gone to bed earlier in the evening. If they had laughed at the joke, the comedian wouldn’t have cried.