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Miljö Forecast by Mind Map: Miljö Forecast

1. 2028

1.1. Resurrection of several extinct species has been achieved

2. 2010

2.1. Haiti is struck by a devastating earthquake

3. 2039

3.1. Transport, production, agriculture almost 90% automated

4. 2035

4.1. The Arctic is becoming ice-free

5. 2021

5.1. Water crisis in southwest USA

6. 2022

6.1. Half of Great Barrier Reef is gone

7. 2018

7.1. The last of Nigeria's rainforests have been felled

8. 2003

8.1. Record heatwaves kill tens of thousands in Europe

9. 2004

9.1. Indian Ocean earthquake leaves 230,000 dead

10. 2010

10.1. The worst marine environmental disaster in US history

11. 2018

11.1. Cape Town's So Desperate For Water They're Considering Hijacking an Iceberg

12. 2020

12.1. Tiny Flying Robots Are Being Built To Pollinate Crops Instead Of Real Bees

13. 2050

13.1. The bees will be the first to fall

14. 2017

14.1. World sales of electric vehicles reaches 5,900,000