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Samhälle Forecast por Mind Map: Samhälle Forecast

1. 2029

1.1. Heavy automation of supermarkets and retail environments

2. 2010

2.1. Speech-to-speech translation is common in mobile phones

3. 2030

3.1. Study estimates state obesity rates will skyrocket by 2030

4. 2030

4.1. Depression is the number one global disease burden

5. 2022

5.1. Denmark begins making shifts towards cash-free societies

6. 2025

6.1. Driverless cars begin having significant impact on profits for auto insurance companies

7. 2017

7.1. The rise of the sharing economy

8. 2007

8.1. Facebook is Launched

9. 2007

9.1. Iphone released

10. 2010

10.1. Augmented Reality (AR) is entering the mainstream

11. 2017

11.1. AI Replaces White Collar Expertise

12. 2019

12.1. The Rise of the Vegetarian Meat

13. 2044

13.1. Scientists can erase and restore memories

14. 2018

14.1. Co-living

15. 2030

15.1. Will a robot take your job? 250,000 public sector admin jobs at risk