1. Where?
1.1. Country side, France
1.1.1. Rafting
1.1.2. Mountan biking
1.2. good internet connection or 3G
1.2.1. Ask mobile.free.fr ?
2. What?
2.1. Stories specifed with examples *before* the camp
2.2. Fri: excursion, rafting, welcome party, BBQ
2.3. Sat, Sun: 15 hours hacking MVP
2.4. BBQ party on Saturday evening
3. How much?
3.1. 30€ for participants ?
3.2. company could sponsor their developers
3.3. free for NGOs
4. When?
4.1. Indian summer (sept / oct) 2012
5. For Whom?
5.1. 3-5 NGOs
5.1.1. with some kind of budget but not too rich
5.2. each team with 6-8 people:
5.3. 1 Product Owner (NGO)
5.4. 3-4 Ruby hackers / team
5.4.1. from all over Europe
5.5. 1-2 Web designers / team
5.6. 1 Agile coach
5.6.1. using Specification by example
6. communication
6.1. tweeter
6.1.1. Take over Josh twitter account: https://twitter.com/#!/SocialCharityCo
6.2. website
6.2.1. github gh-page soon
6.3. Media coverage
7. organizers
7.1. Josh, original idea, SOCIAL network
7.2. Joe, poet, first "english" proof reading, then spec by example coach
7.3. JM works 14 - 21h / week part time on logistics
7.4. Bouchra? JM's ex-colleague Social network for NGOs, to work 8-12 h / week
7.5. Volunteer: Designer
7.6. Volunteers: Agile coach
7.7. Elise Huard?
8. €
8.1. sponsors
8.1.1. to ask
8.1.2. dnssimple
8.2. subsidies from French Region
8.3. donations?
8.4. can't be free for participants otherwise they will cancel last minute without notice
8.5. http://www.sicamp.org/global/ : full-time job for 1-2 people during 4 months => pay JM & Bouchra minimum legal salary
9.1. FIND good name, not camp
9.1.1. Ask MattWynne
9.2. Invite Ruby community Rock stars
9.2.1. Konstantin
9.2.2. Jonas
9.2.3. Jose
9.2.4. dhh?
9.3. FIND a designer
9.3.1. Josh sent me some contacts
9.4. simple github pages a la http://railscamps.com
9.5. ask Joe to review my English
9.6. Ruby Community hub & contacts
9.6.1. Contact Wynn Netherland http://changelogshow.com/
9.6.2. Contact http://chriseppstein.github.com/ caring.com
9.6.3. twitter.com/pat coming to Europe in May
9.6.4. Contact Peter Cooper http://peterc.org/
9.7. IDEAS
9.7.1. contact 1 NGO is in France
9.7.2. contact [email protected] for media (?) donation platform
9.7.3. delicious food provided by French e-commerce selling gourmet food
9.7.4. vote by SMS?
9.7.5. use http://www.kickstarter.com/ or http://launchrock.com/ ?
9.7.6. Hackers selection process selection comitee BDD?
9.7.7. NGO projects selection process selection comitee non funded by big oil or corporations;)
9.7.8. carbon neutral event (pay for CO2 emissions)
9.7.9. inspiration social innovation camp Get help and guidelines from them (free?) Martin Fowler article https://love.travis-ci.org/