Islamic Studies 11 With Mr. Nasr - UAS 2006-07

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Islamic Studies 11 With Mr. Nasr - UAS 2006-07 Door Mind Map: Islamic Studies 11 With Mr. Nasr - UAS 2006-07

1. Prophets

1.1. Prophet Mohammad

1.1.1. D.O.B

1.1.2. P.O.B

1.1.3. Family

1.1.4. Prophethood 1st three years After Hijrah

1.2. Soloman

1.3. Ayoob

2. Women In Islam

3. Shariah-the Divine Law

4. Unlawful Food

4.1. Blood

4.2. Maita

4.3. Domesticated Asses and Mules

4.4. What has been sacrificed to idosl

4.5. Flesh-eating animals and birds

4.6. Fanged beasts

4.7. Pork

5. Crime and Punishment