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1. UNIT 5

1.1. LET`S EAT

1.2. 5a. What do you eat?

1.2.1. GRAMMAR


1.2.3. a.There`s a steak on the table. b. There are some sausages in the bag. c. There is some yogurt in the sala 1. Some + plural countable nouns 2. A(n)+singular countable nouns 3. some+uncountable nouns.

1.3. 5b. At the supermarket?

1.3.1. GRAMMAR

1.3.2. HOW MUCH? / HOW MANY?

1.3.3. Read the examples: How much water do you drink? I drink about two bottles a day How many glasses of milk do you drink a day. I drink for glasses of milk a day

1.4. 5c. Can i take your order?

1.4.1. GRAMMAR

1.4.2. SOME/ ANY

1.4.3. Read the examples. In whitch cases do we use some and any? There`s some soup in the bowl. There are some carrots in my salad. Would you like some water? There isn`t any water in the refrigerator. Do we have any eggs?

1.5. 5d. Fast Food

1.6. 5.e Eating habits

2. UNIT 6


2.2. 6A. What Can you do?

2.2.1. GRAMMAR

2.2.2. The verb can. Read and complete the tables. (AFIRMATIVE) I He/she/it _________ dance (NEGATIVE) I He/she/ it can`t dance We/ you/ They (QUESTIONS) Cant I? He/ She/ It? Dance? We/you/ they?

2.3. 6b. On the phone

2.3.1. GRAMMAR

2.3.2. PRESENT PROGRESSIVE (affirmative-negative) Read examples. These actions are happening now. What do you notice about the formation of the. Present Progressive. Amanda is doing her homework now. She isn`t talking on the phone. The children are taking a nap. The aren`t listening to music.

2.4. 6c. Get involved.

2.4.1. GRAMMAR

2.4.2. PRESENT PROGRESSIVE (questions) Read the example. How is the questions formed? What are Greg and Nigel doing right now? They`re reading a book. Is Diane talking on the phone? Yes, She is. No, She isn`t.

2.5. 6d. Let`s do something

2.5.1. GRAMMAR

2.5.2. LET`S/ HOW ABOUT? Read the examples below. what do you notice about the verb form after let`s and how about? Let`s watch the basketball game tonight. How about watching it at my house?

2.6. 6e. Click here

3. UNIT 7


3.2. 7a. What a day

3.2.1. GRAMMAR

3.2.2. PAST SIMPLE (affirmative) Regular Verbs. visit-visted like-liked study-studied stop-sotped Irregular verb. go-went

3.3. 7b. Unlucky days

3.3.1. GRAMMAR

3.3.2. PAST SIMPLE(negative-questions) Read the examples. Which verb do you use to form the negative and question? Brian dindn`t crash into a car. He crashed into a tree. I didn`t break my leg. I broke my arm. When did the accident happen? Yesterday evening. Did Alison hurt her head?

3.4. 7c. How was it?

3.4.1. GRAMMAR

3.4.2. PAST SIMPLE OF THE VERB TO BE Read the examples. How do we form the negative and questions? A. Were you and James at the new Chinese restaurant yesterday afternoon? B. No, we weren`t. We Were a the Chinese market. A. Where was your sister yesterday morning? I called her but she wasn`t at home. B. She was at the gym. There were lots of drinks at the party but there wasn`t my food.

3.5. 7d. A good sport

3.5.1. GRAMMAR

3.5.2. PAST SIMPLE VS. PRESENT SIMPLE Read the examples and example why each tense is used. I usually play volleyball on Tuesday evenings, but last week I played on Wednesday

3.6. 7e. My life story

4. UNIT 8


4.2. 8a. All year round

4.2.1. GRAMMAR

4.2.2. FUTURE he going to (affirmative-negative) Read the example. How do we form the Future be going to affirmative and negative? Paul is going to visit Spain next month, but he isn`t going to stay in Madrid. The girls are going to cook pasta. They aren`t going to cook chicken.

4.3. 8b. Pack your bags

4.3.1. GRAMMAR

4.3.2. FUTURE be going to (questions) Read the examples. How do we form short answers? A: What are you going to with you on your trip? B: I`m not sure.

4.4. 8c. Would you like to come?

4.4.1. GRAMMAR

4.4.2. Would like to-want to Read the examples. What do you notice about the verb that comes after would like and want? A: Would you like to go camping with me? B: Yes, I'd love to. C: I'm sorry, I can't.

4.5. 8d. Be prepared

4.5.1. GRAMMAR

4.5.2. THE VERB should Read the examples. What do you notice about the verb that comes after should? A: I have a headache. What should I do? B: You should take a pain reliever and you shouldn't play computer games all day.

4.6. 8e. What a vacation!