The Flow Model

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The Flow Model by Mind Map: The Flow Model

1. Components of Flow

1.1. having a clear understandin of waht you want to achieve

1.2. Being able to concentrate for a sustained period of time

1.3. Losing the feeling of consciousness of one's self

1.4. Findind the time passes qucikly

1.5. Getting direct and immediate feedback

1.6. Experience a balance between your ability levels, and the challenge

1.7. Having a sense of persoanl control over the situation

1.8. Feeling that the activity is intrinsically rewarding

1.9. Lacing of awareness of bodily needs

2. Three COndition need to be met

2.1. Goals

2.2. Balance

2.3. Feedback

3. using the Flow Model

3.1. Set Goals

3.2. Improve your concentration

3.3. Self Confidence

3.4. Get Feedback

3.4.1. Technical Feedback system is in place help yoruself and others to improve

3.5. Make your work more challenging

3.6. Improve your skills

4. Key Points

4.1. When perceived skills match the perceived challenge of the task we're doing

4.2. The work we do may fill us the joy

4.3. we lose our sense of self as we concentrate fully on the task

5. What is the emotional state that you are likely to experience when trying to complete the task

6. challenge that is significant and intereseting

6.1. Well developed skills are important

7. Tips

7.1. Simmply increasing the amount of challenge doesn't gurantee flow

7.2. Perceive the right opportunities

7.2.1. Becuase you're in the right mindset

7.2.2. not because you have perfect conditions

7.3. Over come procrastination

7.4. MOtivaitng yourself

7.5. is This a morning task?

8. The inverted U Model

8.1. relationship b/w performance and pressure

8.2. vertical represent somone level of performance Horizonatal axis represent the pressure

8.3. perfect medium of pressure

8.4. four main factors that influence how well people work underpressure

8.5. Peak performance is achieved when people experience a moderate level of pressure. too little performance declines, sometimes severely

8.5.1. Left hand side is under challneged

8.5.2. Middle shows peak effectrivenss They're sufficenentoy motivated to work hard, but they're ot so overloaded that they are starting to struggle. There is where you enter a state of Flow Higly produtive stat in Flow

8.5.3. Right hand side of the graph shows where things all aprt under pressure. The're overwhelmed by the volume and scale of competing demands on thier attension and they starting to panic

8.6. Tips

8.6.1. You can use you own levels of pressure and arousal using techniques such as Relaxation Imagery Centering Deep Breathing experience, good people, self discipline

8.7. The Four Influencers

8.7.1. Skill level where needed do training

8.7.2. Personality Introverted do well with less pressure

8.7.3. Trait Anxiety Think of this as self-talk. Peopel who are self-confident are more likely to perform better under pressure apply positive thinking

8.7.4. Task Complexity compex activities are better performaned in a calm, low pressure envirnment

8.8. Allocate task by start thinking about people workload and about the pressure that they're already experienicng.

8.8.1. See if you can take off some work on the other hand people with underwork can be mitiagted by allocating extra work and shortening deadlines

8.8.2. balance the influence that contribute to pressure

8.8.3. train your people so that thye have the skills they need to do a good job

8.8.4. Notes It is important to remember people can experience pressyure from other sources (like personal lives or from underlying concerns about their role) bear these external pressure in mind when setting deadlines and allocating tasks Don't whatever you do, confuse pressure with stress. Stress is all about people feeling out of control and it's a wholly negative thing If you seekto increase people stress, all what you need to do is create a unhappy, under performing workplace

8.9. Key Points