1. Processes
1.1. Be aware that it usually takes multiple drafts to create and complete a successful text
1.1.1. CH1: In the design process, be ready to make multiple sketches, then refine, and refine again your final design.
1.1.2. CH4: it takes practice to become good at design, create multiple drafts to create the most balanced layout.
1.2. Develop flexible strategies for generating, revising, editing, and proof-reading
1.3. Understand the collaborative and social aspects of research and writing processes
1.4. Use appropriate technologies to manage data and information collected or generated for future use
2. Critical Thinking, Reading, and Writing
2.1. Use information, writing, and reading for inquiry, learning, thinking, and communicating
2.1.1. InstructionWriting: Break main tasks into a number of steps. InstructionWriting:Sequence information logically. InstructionWriting: Number the steps.
2.1.2. InstructionWriting: Use clear, unambiguous language. WritingInstructions: Be detailed when writing instructions.
2.1.3. InstructionWriting: Build in oppurtunities for practice.
2.2. Integrate previously held beliefs, assumptions, and knowledge with new information and the ideas of others to accomplish a specific purpose within a context
3. Rhetorical Knowledge
3.1. Identify, articulate, and focus on a defined purpose
3.1.1. CH1: Figure out the purpose of your design before you start your design. CH5: Alignment Schemes can have a strong influence on an overall page's message. CH6: Repittion draws on the ability of the human mind to see patterns and draw conclusions from them. CH6: Repittion can imply sophisticated control of a design.
3.1.2. CH6: Repition requires a deliberate search and application of repeating items on a page or design to make it more visually stimulating, apealing and giving a sense of sophisticated control.
3.2. Respond to the needs of the appropriate audience
3.2.1. CH6: after you have become proficent in this (or any) rule, you can break it to establish a visual element.
3.2.2. CH7: People are uncontrollable and you'll never be able to 100% control how your audience will view your information
3.2.3. CH7: By understanding flow you will have a better chance of influenceing how people will read your page. CH7: Establishing and maintaining good verbal flow though a document is critical to good communication. CH7: By planning ahead, you can conciously set up the flow in your documents and designs. CH7: A good flow will make your document more consistant and unified.
3.3. Respond appropriately to different rhetorical situations
3.3.1. CH2: Make sure to emphasze important points in text to point out the important to readers.
3.3.2. CH3: Use contrast to break up monotiny
3.3.3. CH4: Use the visual wieght of the design elements to create a balanced layout that moves the readers eye.
3.3.4. CH6: Repitition makes designs more visually interesting and should be stressed in design. CH6: Repitition doesn't have to be identical; it can repeat in the forms of typeface, color, ect.
3.3.5. CH7: To develop a strong flow, analyze your message and graphics.
3.4. Use conventions of format and structure appropriate to the rhetorical situation
3.5. Adopt appropriate voice, tone, and level of formality
3.5.1. CH5: Alignment reinforces professional apperance.
3.6. Understand how each genre helps to shape writing and how readers respond to it
3.6.1. CH3: Using contrast can make a page of text easier to read for the audience.
3.7. Write in multiple genres
3.8. Understand the role of a variety of technologies/media in accessing, retrieving, managing, and communicating information
3.9. Use appropriate technologies to organize, present, and communicate information to address a range of audiences, purposes, and genres
4. Knowledge of Conventions
4.1. Learn common formats for different genres
4.1.1. CH5: Alignment will help make invisible connections between elements on a page CH5: Stick to common alignment schemes
4.1.2. CH5: Alignment will strengthen your layout and will also make it seem more organized CH5: Use a grid system to align vertical and horizontal elements consistantly CH5: Grids can help create a quick, efficient and consistent design CH5: Use consistent text alignment formating CH5: Try to avoid "rivers" of blank space in text CH5: Put apostrophe's outside of alignment line to keep text flush with one another CH5: Keep lists of information together as much as posible CH6: Using Repeating elements can helt to create a unifying structure on your page. CH6: Repitition ties together otherwise seperate visual elements. CH6: Forms visual rythm that strengthens the overall organization, making it seem more unified and chohesive.
4.1.3. CH7: Flow refers to the visual and verbal paths of movement which the readers eye tracks through a page,pages or online designs. CH7: A good verbal flow is achieved through consistency in typography treatment and establishing a logical reading order. CH7: The fastest way to create a good flow is to set up a typographic master plan. CH7: Choose an easy to read serrif font, and use it consistently. CH7: Don't make anything too wide or narrow regarding typography. CH7: In visual flow, the viewer's eyes will track intermixed images from a backwards "s" fashion. CH7: Useful because you can now pick images to fontrol or enhance visual flow.
4.2. Develop knowledge of genre conventions ranging from structure and paragraphing to tone and mechanics
4.2.1. CH2: using emphasis can make writing easier to navigate for readers CH4: the visual wieght will direct the reader's eyes on where to go.
4.2.2. CH2: Be careful not to emphasise everything, it negates the point.
4.2.3. CH2: Create a visual hierarchy CH4: Use the visual wieght of objects to create visual hierarchy.
4.3. Understand and apply legal and ethical uses of information and technology including copyright and intellectual property
4.3.1. Copyright is a way to protect creators original work; wether it be art, written, spoken, songs, ect. Copyright lasts 7 years; it is believed it gives the creators enough revenue for thier work. Creative Commons is a way to allow the owners of intellectual property to realease some of thier rights eliminating restrictions on use of intellectual property encourages new thinking among faculty about how to incorporate a wide range of resources in their teaching. Fair use is a way for others to use parts of intellectual property in certain situations It has been deemed okay for someone to take part of a work in order to critique, or use as part of education