1. Trees and Plants
1.1. They use carbon dioxide in the atmosphere for photosynthesis (producing sugars and oxygen) and respiration.
1.1.1. The role of this process is that it helps the cycle of carbon dioxide through the respiration cycle of both plants and animals remain balanced. This also means that it has the role of reducing carbon dioxide levels through reforestation, or the planting of trees in existing forests.
1.2. Produces oxygen as a product of photosynthesis
2. Atmosphere
2.1. Contains carbon dioxide, and is able to trap heat from the Earth.
2.1.1. Has the role of changing the ocean's pH to be more acidic, and dissolving Calcium carbonate, which Oysters use to build their shells.
2.2. Contains greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, and is able to trap heat from escaping the Earth (this heat was from the Sun, and would have completely bounced off of Earth were it not for the atmosphere).
2.2.1. Has the role of harming Oysters by increasing the temperature of the ocean.
3. Ocean
3.1. Is a carbon dioxide sink (this means that the ocean goes through a two way process in which carbon dioxide is both absorbed by the ocean and released into the air).
3.1.1. The role of the ocean being a carbon sink is that it becomes more acidic after more carbon is found in the atmosphere, which is harmful to the calcium carbonate shells of oysters.
4. Human
4.1. Humans burn fossil fuels for energy
4.1.1. Has the role of adding large amounts of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.
4.2. Humans burn woodland for space in agriculture.
4.2.1. Has the role of adding large amounts of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.
4.3. Humans cut down trees for wood and lumber.
5. Carbon dioxide
5.1. Has the ability to trap heat.
5.1.1. Has the role of trapping heat in the Atmosphere and increasing the climate of Earth.
6. Oysters
6.1. Oysters filter water when attempting to feed off of plankton.
6.1.1. Oysters have the role of being the sea's filters when they filter water for food.
7. Calcium Carbonate
7.1. Is used to make up the shells of oysters
7.1.1. It's role is that it allows for the life cycle of the Oysters to progress, but would also decrease the Oyster's population growth were it to dissolve.
7.2. It is heavily affected by corrosive, acidic environments, and would dissolve in them.
8. Phytoplankton
8.1. A unicellular organism that makes its own food by taking CO2 out of the water.
8.1.1. They are a food source for various organisms from the sea in a food web, including Oysters.
8.1.2. They help to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in ocean water.
9. Coccolithophores
9.1. They build their shells using carbon, calcium, and 3 parts oxygen (CaCO*subscript*3).
9.1.1. They have the role of decreasing the amount of carbon dioxide dissolved in the ocean.
10. Iron
10.1. Helps plants grow as it is a vital mineral to their development.
10.1.1. Has the role of decreasing overall levels of carbon dioxide in the ocean and atmosphere through Iron Fertilization (the adding of iron in calculated amounts to the ocean to facilitate phytoplankton blooms).
10.1.2. Can help restore ecosystems that were impacted by the changing acidification of the ocean.