Brand Training

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Brand Training by Mind Map: Brand Training

1. Product

1.1. What is the product?

1.2. What is its purpose?

1.3. Product FAQs

2. Tone

2.1. What tone would you like to use? Funny, witty, friendly, professional, etc.

2.2. Catchphrases to use

2.3. Words to avoid

3. Escalation

3.1. What reviews to escalate

3.2. How to escalate a poor review.

3.2.1. Contact name

3.2.2. Phone number

3.2.3. Email or web info

3.3. Are there common complaints they're already aware of?

3.3.1. Do they have a preferred response?

4. Other

5. Possible to think about in responses: who is your target audience? Age? Gender – would you prefer to have your target audience work on your brands (is this legal?)