Culture in Language Teaching

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Culture in Language Teaching by Mind Map: Culture in Language Teaching

1. Culture is the key to understanding speakers' behavior and worldviews

2. 3. New Ways of Integrating Language, Culture, History and Identity

2.1. Reconceptualization of culture to supply need of learners of

2.1.1. Foreign language: citizens of nation states needs to learns languages of citizens of other nation states.

2.1.2. Second language: for industrialized countries, the immigrants need to be integrated into the host societies.

2.1.3. Heritage language: long time residents need to learn the language of thir ancestor to feel reconnected with their roots.

2.2. 3.1 Foreign Language

2.2.1. Pluriculturalism and interculturalism. Interest in teaching other languages than English.

2.3. 3.2 Heritage Languages, Second Languages

2.3.1. Preservation of endangered languages.

2.3.2. Culture must be think as a subjective, entity linked to a individual's history in variable contexts of language use.

2.4. 3.3 Resignifying Culture as Historicity and Subjectivity

2.4.1. Culture is embodied history and language is the bridge that connect individual with society

3. 1. Culture: An Integral Component of Language Teaching

3.1. Way of life and behaviors of speech communities

3.2. A global concept was problematic

3.2.1. because Information technologies, globalization, multicultural democracies

3.2.2. Important question What culture should we teach?

4. 2. The Cultural Dimensions of Language Study

4.1. Perspectives of 'culture'

4.1.1. 2.1 The Modernist Perspective Context in which language is spoken Humanistic Concept Sociolinguistic Concept Intercultural Education Mastery of English as a second or international language

4.1.2. 2.2 The Post-Modernist Perspective Referring to Discourse, identity and power. This has influenced the teaching of other languages Culture as Discourse Culture as Identity Culture as the moral right to be heard and listened to